Page 73 of Unaware

Chapter Eighteen


The next few hours of Mama’s labour was a waiting game. Lily and Joe were able to have it out with Zoey, and I was pretty sure they had makeup sex. Though they tried to be as quiet as possible, I could still hear a few tell-tale sounds that gave them away. While they were making up and I was waiting for the whelping to progress, I took the time to gather the tools I would need once the pups began to arrive—warm, dry towels, a suction bulb, tiny Velcro collars, and a birth information sheet. I set myself up so I was comfortable for the long haul. Mama had six puppies to whelp, and since it was her first time, I expected things to be slow going.

After the fourth hour, Mama began to pant profusely, and her contractions were strong.

I stroked her head and whispered, “Anytime now, Mama, and you’ll be a new mama!”

Lily came over, dressed in a dressing gown and squatted near us. “How is she doing?”

“The puppies are coming now. I might need help.”

Lily placed her hand on my shoulder and shouted out to Zoey and Joe. “We’ve got you, sweetie. All hands are on deck.”

The other two joined us and I handed them towels. “Now, I’m hoping these won’t be required, but they’re here in case any of the puppies experience difficulty. It’s a possibility considering they’re four days early.”

“We’re on hand and ready to go if need be,” Joe said.

No sooner had he finished the sentence than I noticed the first puppy coming through the canal.

“Is she having trouble?” Zoey asked when the puppy wasn’t coming out.

“No, this is normal. Just like humans, she has to work with the contractions.”

“Pit bulls come in so many colors. I can’t wait to see what her babies look like!” Lily gushed.

“I wish I could still adopt one, but now that I’m going to the Navy . . .” Joe shrugged helplessly.

“I understand. Don’t worry, I’ll make sure all her puppies find good homes,” I vowed.

“I wouldn’t be averse to owning one,” Zoey piped up.

I beamed at my friend. “Then you get the first choice of the litter.”

“I can see a nose,” Lily interrupted.

We all turned our attention back to Mama and sure enough, the first puppy was finally making an appearance. The little one had a mostly black body with white paws and chest. As soon as he was out, Mama was on her feet licking and cleaning the puppy. I reached in with the suction bulb and sucked the fluid out of its mouth so it could take its first breaths.

“Ladies and gentleman, we have a little boy,” I announced.

The others cheered as I jotted down all the puppy’s information and quickly attached a blue collar around his neck.

“They should start to arrive quicker now that the first one has been born,” I said.

“He is so cute!” Lily gushed.

Puppy number three, a tan and white female, had come into the world behind a second black and white male puppy, when there was a knock on my door.

Joe stood. “I’ll get that. You ladies have your hands full.” He walked over and pulled the door open. I noticed him tense up but paid it little mind. “What are you doing here?” I heard him say.

“Joe? Wow, man. I could ask you the same thing. Is this Malik’s girl’s place?”

I slowly approached the doorway and peered around Joe’s hulking form to see a young black man standing in the hallway outside the apartment. “Who’s asking?”

Joe automatically held his arm out in front of me. “I don’t think she should get involved with you, Tyrone.”

“Who are you and why are you at my door?” I demanded.