Page 70 of Unaware

“Wow, that sounds amazing!”

“I bought one for each of you, as well.” I pointed towards the counter.

Lily chewed her lip. “I’m not certain you’ll want me to have it after I say what I’ve got to say.”

My blood ran cold. Uh-oh. Had something gone wrong with Joe after all? Was she sick? Pregnant?

A million thoughts ran through my brain.

“Is Zoey home?” Lily asked, arching her neck towards Zoey’s room.

“I think I heard mad typing.” I pointed at her closed door.

Lily stood and straightened her blouse. “Well, I’d better get her out here. I’d rather run this past you both at the same time rather than have to cover it too many times.”

My frown deepened. “What’s going on, Lily?”

Lily spun back to me. “More importantly, did you find Logan?”

“Nope. Forget about him. He’s a big boy, I’m sure he can take care of himself.”

“Aria, you’re not giving up on him, are you?”

I shrugged. “Not exactly, but I’m sick and tired of trying to break into the secret group. I’d rather enjoy the present company for a while, as well as my own. If he needs me, he’ll come to me . . . then he’ll disappear again until the next time,” I added with a huff. “I’m not sure if I’m cut out for this kind of life, Lil.”

Lily pouted at me. “I think that’s sad. You and Logan fit so well together.”

A knock at the door interrupted our musings. “You go and get Zoey; I’ll see who’s at the door.”

Lily agreed and we parted.

When I pulled the door to our apartment open, I found Joe standing there with a huge, yet slightly anxious grin on his face.

“Hello, Joe.”

“Hey. Are the girls in?” Joe asked as he bounced on the balls of his feet.

I glanced behind me and found Lily and Zoey making their way to the table. I stepped aside. “Come on in.”

Lily’s mouth fell open. “Joe!”

“Hi, ladies.”

Lily hugged him tight as he pecked her lips. “You’re just in time to hear my news.”

“That’s interesting. I have news of my own.” Joe leaned over Zoey, who sat down in a chair.

“Hey, babe.” She accepted Joe’s brief kiss. “I guess everyone has news. Well, that is, everyone except for me.”

“Or me.” I raised my hand and wriggled my fingers.

“Well, it’s good that you’re both here, because my news affects all of us,” Lily said.

Joe nodded as we all sat down. “Mine, too. Kinda. Not you, Aria.”

“Do you want to go first?” Lily asked him.

“No, ladies first.”