Page 3 of Unaware

Her eyes reflected kindness as she said, “I’m non-monogamous and bisexual.”

“Non-monogamous? What does that mean?”

“It means I can have romantic or sexual relations with more than one person at any given time without getting jealous. Well, not too jealous, anyhow.”

I pulled back. “You don’t mean cheat?”

Zoey held her hands up. “No! No way! Everyone has to be on the same page. All above board.”

It was an interesting concept, but I didn’t think I could ever do something like that. I couldn’t even hook up with one person, let alone two, and I was most certainly straight.

“Is that what this holiday is all about? I thought it was about having fun?”

“Oh, trust me. This isfun.” Zoey winked.

“Yeah, but . . ..” I felt my anxiety begin to take over. “I meant us as friends. What am I going to do if you and Lily are busy with other people doing naked stuff?”

“Maybe you could do the same,” Zoey suggested.

That was highly unlikely. Being bullied meant I hadn’t experienced much in the way of social interaction, especially when it came to the more carnal kinds of relations. I’d thrown myself into school and university and worked my butt off to make my move to America happen. I didn’t get mixed up in the drama of teenage relationships, and besides, who in their right mind would want to date their high school bullies? Now here I was at the age of twenty-three and not much had changed in that department.

I couldn’t fight the blush that coloured my cheeks as I pushed my deep red hair behind my ear. “I think I’ll find something else to do.”

Annoyingly, as I tried to avoid Zoey’s gaze, I inadvertently connected with the gaze of the man who’d caught me. I stared at him for a few long moments. He was possibly the best-looking man I’d ever seen. He had a trim, muscular body, and his low-neck T-shirt hung off him like one of those male magazine models.

It wasn’t until he flashed me a half-smile that I realised what I was doing. With a gasp, I spun back to the bar and awkwardly took another drink from my beer.

I noticed Zoey chatting up a man and a woman and sighed. I was on my own in a place I didn’t particularly feel comfortable in. I practically hugged the bar while my friends found their hookups.

I drained my beer and ordered another.

Here I was on the other side of the world and the same crap was happening all over again—I was being overlooked for something better. You would think that I’d be used to my own company by now with the amount of time I spent alone in my life, but I hated this feeling of being left out.

“Hey there.”

I stiffened when I heard the seductive voice beside me. I slowly turned my head and found a blocky guy smirking at me. “Hey,” I said cautiously.

“How you doin’?”

“Not bad, Joey,” I joked.

His brow furrowed. “Huh?”

“You know, Joey Tribiani offFriends? He’s always saying ‘how you doin’?’ when he wants to hook up with someone. I’m a bigFriendsfan.” I was totally rambling.

“That’s cool. Who’s your favourite?”


The guy dropped his fist onto the bar. “Damn, I was hoping you’d say Joey.”

“I’ll bet you were.” I instantly knew what this bloke was after.

The guy sidled closer to me and moved his face towards mine. “So, what about it? You play Phoebe, I’ll play Joey, and we get a little nasty?”

I leaned away from him with a sneer. “Phoebe would never go there with Joey, nor would I with you.”

“Come on, don’t be so high-strung. I mean, why else would you be here if you’re not trolling for SEALs? That’s pretty much what Hot Tuna is all about, princess.”