Chapter Twenty
“Take off was scary, but the landing wasn’t so bad. I could see forever up there!”
“You sure could, buddy,” I said with forced enthusiasm.
Charlie hadn’t stopped talking about the flight since we’d left L.A. earlier that morning. One could hardly blame the kid, given it was the first time he’d ever flown, and it must’ve been incredibly exciting. But even as his loving mother, I was getting tired of hearing about it over and over.
Emmett sniggered at me. He knew how over it I was, but he wasn’t doing anything to stop it. In fact, he was encouraging it. “It’s kind of like a rollercoaster, right, buddy?”
Charlie shrugged. “I guess so. I haven’t been on a rollercoaster.”
“That’s because you’re too small for them yet,” I chimed in. I dug my nails into Emmett’s wrist as a warning.
Emmett looked at Charlie through the rear-view mirror. “Perhaps we’ll save Disneyland for when you’re a little older.”
“Okay,” Charlie agreed. Then he held up a colouring book and paper bag with a cartoon aeroplane on the front. “I like this activity pack they gave me on the plane.”
“I’m glad, sweetie. You colour a nice picture for me, okay?”
Charlie flashed a wide grin. “Okay, Mom!”
I looked at Emmett. “I’m glad you could get Friday off as well. It means it’s not such a whirlwind trip.”
“It’s great,” Emmett agreed. “I get to spend some quality time with my family, as well as my parents and sister.” He kissed the back of my hand.
It took me a moment, but my heart tripped when I realised Emmett was referring to Charlie and me as his family.
I gazed out the window of our roomy SUV hire car at the sheer cliffs of the Northern Californian coastline and the beautiful forest that surrounded us. We hadn’t long passed through a mini coastal city of sorts, with a lovely beachfront area and sparkling skyscrapers in the distance. I was in awe of its beauty, which seemed to be endless.
The road curved away from the coastline and deeper into the forest, causing the temperature to drop within the car. We turned off the main road onto a narrower one and headed back toward the coast and soon, we were turning into a long driveway. When I saw the acres of grapevines, I knew we’d arrived.
My heart began to pound and I wrung my hands together. This was it; I was about to meet the family. The family who lived in a sprawling Tuscan-style mansion in the middle of a working vineyard.
“Whoa!” Charlie’s exclamation mirrored my own sentiment.
Emmett reached across the middle console. I took his extended hand and he rubbed his thumb over my skin. “Don’t be nervous, baby.”
“Easier said than done,” I murmured.
Emmett sighed. “I know.”
Emmett’s family was pouring out of the house as soon as the car stopped.
“Emmett, my darling!”
A beautiful older woman with brunette hair hugged Emmett while I helped Charlie out of the car. We hung back while a young woman who looked just like the older lady hugged Emmett in turn.
“Happy birthday, sis! The big three-oh, huh?”
“Yeah, don’t remind me,” his sister said, swiping her hand at him.
Emmett beckoned us over. “Mom, Sammy, I’d like you to meet my girlfriend, Olivia and her son, Charlie. My mom, June and my sister, Samantha Jo.”
I held Charlie in front of me and waved at them.
June stepped forward and hugged me. “It’s such a pleasure to have you in our home.”