Page 63 of Strength

“Hey, Emmett.” Charlie waved.

“Hey, there’s my two favourite people.” Emmett held his arms out and encompassed Charlie and I in a hug.

Charlie hugged Emmett tight. “You’re home early today.”

“I am. I had less work to do today. So, I thought we might be able to have a family dinner together on the deck.”

“You mean family barbeque?” Charlie asked.

Emmett squatted. “Was there a yes disguised in that question?”

Charlie nodded.

“Then let’s go.”

Charlie hobble-ran back to the house with Tank hot on his heels. Emmett and I straggled behind.

“How was your day?” Emmett asked.

“Lazy,” I said after pretending to think about it for a moment.

“I’m glad to hear it.” Emmett took my hand. “I got something for Charlie, I hope you don’t mind.”

“You bought an entire room for him. What else could you possibly get him?” I loved that Emmett was showing interest in my son, but I didn’t want Charlie to get spoiled.

“This is something that will occupy him for most of the summer.”

“Oh! Well, in that case . . ..”

We walked along in silence for a few moments.

“I told him about us.” I moved my head from side to side. “Well, I started to, but he’d already figured it out.”

“I guess we haven’t been as sneaky as we thought we were.” He pulled me against his side and kissed my forehead.

By the time we reached the deck, Charlie was already in the kitchen gathering plates and cutlery. “What are we having?”

“Steak, shrimp kabobs, corn, and pineapple,” Emmett answered.

“We need a salad with all that,” I said.

Emmett and I got busy in the kitchen while Charlie set the table. I made a beautiful toss salad with everything in it and drizzled in French dressing. Then I got to helping Emmett slide the shrimp onto sticks and wrapped the corn in foil with a lump of butter in each one.

“My mouth is already watering,” I said as I washed my hands.

Charlie decided he was going to help Emmett with the grill. He was such a little dude sometimes. At first, I worried that he might burn himself, but Emmett was a good supervisor and teacher. We ended up with an amazing meal.

“Make sure you have some salad, Charlie,” I said, pushing the bowl toward him.

Charlie glared at me. “Do I have to?”

“Yes, please.”

“If you have some salad, that means we can start building this after dinner.” Emmett sat a box in the middle of the table.

“Whoa! A model ship?” Charlie’s eyes bulged at the sight of the model Navy boat. “We’re going to build this?”

“Only if you obey your mom.”