Page 60 of Strength

Chapter Eighteen


It had been over a week since Olivia and Charlie had moved in, and I was on cloud nine. Charlie was enjoying the beach now that he was in his moonboot, and Olivia had given herself over to her three-month long vacation. I hadn’t known I was lonely and bored in my house until they arrived. They’d turned my house into a home. Sure, it wasn’t as tidy as it had been before, but Olivia was respectful enough to make sure she and Charlie cleaned up after themselves. The truth was, I was happy seeing Olivia’s girly things and Charlie’s toys around the place.


I knew I’d been happy before when it was just me and Tank on our own. But now I was loving my life in a way I hadn’t before.

Olivia was like a completely different woman to the one I’d met that evening at the seafood restaurant. I could see how a change in circumstance and scenery was helping her open up, not only to me, but to the opportunities life held. All she had ever needed was someone to believe in her. I was proud to be that man.

The more time I spent with her, the longer I had her in my house, the more I realised that somewhere along the line, I’d fallen in love with her. I wanted to give her the world. Better yet, I wanted to help her open the world up, and I was glad she was thinking seriously about her future and not just jumping into the first job that came her way. She deserved better.

My desire to give Olivia and Charlie a good life is what led me to using my access to the police database in search of any mention of Olivia’s ex. I wanted to know all about him, where he was and his current status. It wasn’t my jurisdiction, and I knew I had no right to do this. I only had access to police files because in my line of work as a counsellor I was often called to attend court hearings or help on cases involving kids.

Yet, I did it anyway.

If there was one thing I learned during my service, it was that having intel on the enemy was essential to the success of a mission. I wanted my life with Olivia to be a success.

When I found traces of him, I followed the leads and eventually came across a digitised file. I spent the next hour printing out file notes—an hour in which I should have been writing up the day’s reports. It looked like I’d be working late tonight.

I forced myself to put the file aside until I did my actual work. By the time I finished, it was after eight. Olivia would be waiting for me. Slipping the file beneath some other documents in my briefcase, I switched my computer monitor off and headed home.

When I arrived, the lights were off, but some kind of illumination was still being emitted. As I walked through the house, I realised the light was coming from candles that were positioned around the room. Abandoning my briefcase and hanging up my coat, I loosened my tie as I spotted Olivia out on the deck.

She looked so beautiful with her brown hair hanging down to the middle of her back in waves. She was dressed in the same shorts and top she’d worn day in and day out for the last couple of weeks. When I thought about her tiny overnight bag, I realised that she didn’t have many clothes, just the basics. She spent more on Charlie than she ever did on herself.

I watched as she stared out at the ocean for a moment before I alerted her to my presence.


She smiled at me. “Hey. You’re home late.”

“Sorry, I got bogged down in reports at work.”

“No problem,” she said with a shrug.

I slid my arms around her and kissed her cheek. I drew in her scent. “I missed you today.” I kissed her neck and when she sighed, my dick stirred. “I saw candles in the house.”

“The light in the living room blew. Charlie and I decided it would be fun to have dinner with candles.”

“I see.”

A naughty smile touched Olivia’s features. “He’s in bed, by the way.”

“That’s what I like to hear.” I cupped her head and kissed her.

Olivia turned in my arms and I walked her backward to the outdoor table. I pressed into her so she could feel how hard I was. “You really did miss me today.”

“Yes. And candles turn me on.”

She giggled, and her hands flew over my belt and the fly of my pants. I helped her wriggle out of her shorts. There was no foreplay tonight. We kissed again as I sunk into her wet and wanting pussy. I loved how it felt to be inside her. It felt like I was connecting to a part of me that I didn’t know was missing.

Olivia propped herself back on the table and I held her in my arms while I fucked her and for the first time in months, she cried out, “Emmett! Oh, Emmett, yes! Yes!”

I felt her body squeeze me and I cupped her face as she orgasmed. She pulled me down to kiss her as we continued to make love by candlelight with the sound of waves crashing on the shore. I felt a heaviness in my balls, and I knew I was close.

I held Olivia’s gaze and moaned, “Olivia.”