I looked at both of them in surprise.
Emmett took my hand. “Take the summer off.”
“But that’s eleven weeks.”
Charlie pumped his fists in the air. “This summer is going to rock, Mom!”
“You can’t say no to that,” Emmett said with a shrug.
* * *
“Are you sure you’re okay with supporting us for three months?”
I helped Emmett put our shopping into the trunk of his Ford SUV.
“Of course, I’m sure. I wouldn’t have suggested it if I wasn’t.” He turned and rested his hands on my arms. “I’m not trying to trap you. I want you to work. But first, I want you to be able to take a breath and enjoy life for a change. You don’t have to treat every day like a battle anymore. You could take this time to think about what you really want to do with your life. You don’t have to take another menial, minimum wage job if you don’t want to.”
I thought hard about Emmett’s words. His offer was a generous one and this was my chance to better not only my life, but Charlie’s, too. He was a guy who, early on in our dating relationship, had taken on responsibility for my son while I was at work. Now here he was buying an entire room full of stuff for the same boy and was willing to support us while I figured out my next move. I’d be stupid to turn it down.
“Alright, I accept your generous offer.”
Emmett shut the trunk door. “Good.” He pecked my lips. “You won’t regret it.”
My cell phone rang out suddenly and with a frown, I looked at the anonymous ID on the screen.
“Are you going to answer that?” Emmett asked.
I put it my ear. “Hello?”
Once again, there was silence. I shrugged as I hung up. “Must be a wrong number.”Again.
It was weird that I was getting all these strange prank calls, but now they were coming to my cell phone.
Emmett must have sensed the way I was unnerved about it. “Definitely a wrong number. Never mind.”
As we drove back to Emmett’s place, I stared out at the ocean in contemplation. My mind was alive with thoughts and ideas, but I didn’t want to air any of them yet. Not until I had a concrete plan.
But first, there was vacation, and visiting Emmett’s family—which was a big step in itself—and before all of that, there was setting up Charlie’s room.
Once we arrived home, I helped unload the vehicle and got the boys set up. I was banished from helping build the shelves and told to relax, so I laid down on the couch with a book from Emmett’s bookshelf.
Soon, I felt my eyes getting heavy.
“Mom, wake up. We finished the shelves!”
I awoke to Charlie nudging me with his crutches. I didn’t even realise I’d fallen asleep.
“It’s time to decorate.”
“Coming.” I got to my feet and stretched, then followed my boy into the room.
“Mom’s never taken an afternoon nap before,” Charlie said, his brown eyes wide. “Are you sick?”
“Quite the opposite actually,” I replied.
“You’re already taking this vacation thing to heart, huh?” Emmett teased. “I’m glad to see it.”
I flashed a smartassed smirk his way. “I could get used to this.”