Page 40 of Strength

“Whoa, cool!”

“Afewgames, was it?”


“Just laying around the house?”

“It helps the kids sometimes.”

I smirked at him.

Emmett tilted his head at me.

“What game should we play first, Emmett?” Charlie asked.

“You see? A happy customer.” Emmett turned to Charlie. “How about the classic,Super Mario Bros.?”

“Or maybeMario Kartinstead!” Charlie took the cartridge from its holder and put it in.

I was surprised at how adept he was with the device. “Charlie, how do you know how it works? We’ve never had one.”

“Lucy does. But she hogs it a lot.”

“Never mind. Now you have one to yourself for a bit. What do you say to Emmett for bringing you this awesome stuff?”

Charlie’s dark brown eyes lifted from the screen to the man towering beside me. “Thank you, Emmett.”

“You’re welcome.”

“Thank you.” My voice was low and sincere.

Emmett’s voice dropped in tone as well. “You’re welcome.”

To an outsider, it would’ve appeared as though Emmett was merely comforting me when he ran his hand over my back and shoulders. But he and I both knew well enough by now that it was more than that to us. The caress also conveyed his desire for me, and my body responded in kind. I wanted to find an empty room and have my way with him. But I was a responsible mother, not a tarty single college girl who could do whatever she wanted. I also couldn’t show too much emotion until I told Charlie about Emmett and me, so I pushed my emotions down.

Charlie played the game until our dinner of chicken in gravy with vegetables arrived. The death glare he sent me as we all sat around the over-the-bed table could have killed everyone within a ten-mile radius.

“Hey, don’t you look at me like that. I’m not risking your stomach today, so this is what you’re getting. It’s what we’re all getting.”

Emmett quickly hid the smirk he flashed at the sound of my ‘mum voice’ and scooped some of his meal onto his fork. “It’s pretty tasty, Charlie. Your mom chose good, and I think you’d be missing out.”

“Here’s the thing, Charlie. If you don’t eat up, Emmett might be getting an extra serving of custard.” I jiggled the sealed plastic container of cold custard.

“Okay already,” Charlie harrumphed and began eating.

I couldn’t blame him for being in a grump. He’d been through a lot in the last twenty-four hours. In addition to his broken ankle, he had a few scrapes. The poor kid had to be in pain. His bravado was finally slipping, and I was sure the novelty of being in hospital was beginning to wear off. Thank goodness for Emmett and his care package.

“So, I had a word with the doctor while you were asleep, Charlie, and you’re going to have to keep your weight off your leg for a while,” I explained as I cut through my piece of chicken. “You have what they call a bimalleolar fracture, which means your ankle is broken in two places. They’ll be taking your stitches out in ten days, but then you have to be off your feet for four weeks before they’ll consider putting you into a moon boot for the last four.”

“I’m going to be like this for two whole months? Man, I’m going to be so bored!” Charlie put his head in his hands.

“Bored? Are you joking? Kid, you and I are going to become best friends,” Emmett insisted.

“You won’t be too bored since you’ll still have to do schoolwork from home.”

The hits kept on coming for my boy.

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