Page 31 of Strength

“I surprisingly don’t have much fight when it comes to you at all.” It was something that terrified me. What if things turned sour like they did with my ex? What if he was pretending to be nice until he had me emotionally and financially trapped?

Emmett reached over and rested his hand atop my own. “Breathe, Olivia. Take a moment and breathe.”

I drew a deep breath in through my nose, held it for a few seconds, and let it go out of my mouth.

“That’s it.”

Our gazes locked. His eyes were full of kindness, his entire being radiated it. Emmett was nothing like Miguel; he was everything my ex wasn’t. Although it scared me, I knew deep in my gut that Emmett was a good man. I wanted to trust him. I was just spooked by the guy back at the supermarket, that was all. I turned my hand beneath his and laced our fingers together.

“You good?”

“Yes, thank you.”

He also shared his orange with me and we ate in companionable silence. It was the first time in a long time I’d eaten a full, healthy lunch.

After some time, I stood. “I’d better get back.”

Emmett got to his feet as well, and put his arm around my body before I could rush off. “When can I see you again?”

“I’m not sure. I can’t keep dumping my son on Rea, especially since he doesn’t get along well with her older daughter.”

“Well, how about we do something fun with him?” Emmett backtracked. “I mean, if you’re ready for that?”

“Let me think about, alright?”

“Okay. But hey, let’s stop chatting through that dating agency app, huh? This is my personal cell phone number.” He handed me a business card with a cell number written on the back in black ink.

I clasped it in my hand. “I’ll call you, then.”

“I’d like that. I like hearing your voice.”

I stood on tiptoe and he allowed himself to be pulled down to my level for a kiss. It was brief, but it was still incredible and held so much promise.

“Go on.”

I felt him watching me as I walked away, so I purposely put a little sway into my hips.

“Are you trying to turn me on?” Emmett called.

“Maybe.” I laughed again and quickly crossed the street.