Page 28 of Strength

“As much as I can be, given I'm on the other side of the world from them.” She tapped my leg. “What about your parents? I hope they’re not as messed up as mine?”

“Not exactly messed up, but kinda spoiled. They own a vineyard up north near a town called Wayborough Shores. Dad’s the businessman and Mom . . . well, she lives off the income. She’s a smart woman, she could do a lot more with herself, but she’s happiest being one of those wealthy women who run lunches and benefits and all those other awful things. My sister, Samantha, loves all that shit, but she is also a hard worker. Both of us kids inherited Dad’s work ethic. I don’t think either of us like the idea of being the next social chair.”

Olivia giggled. “In other words, you both made sure you’re too busy to do so?”

“Exactly,” I replied with a chuckle.

“What are their wines like?”

I went to the wine rack in the kitchen and brought back a bottle of pinot noir and two wine tumblers. I set both glasses on my timber coffee table and poured a mouthful into each glass. I set the bottle down and held a glass out to Olivia. “Taste.”

“Thank you.”

I winked at her as I picked up my glass and sat back down. “I know how much you enjoy your wine.”

Olivia waited for me to get settled. She held the glass toward me. “Cheers.”


We clicked our glasses together. I waited patiently while she smelled it and then expertly sipped it with all the nuance of a professional taster.

“I think I can taste berries and vanilla in there.”

I nodded. “You like?”

“It’s delicious.” Olivia picked up the bottle. “Shepherd & Son’s Vineyard?”

“Dad took it over from my grandfather. I have a share in it now, but I’m silent about it. I might very well end up running the place as a side business when Dad retires, which I’m cool with as long as I can keep helping people through my day job.”

“So, you’d be a jack of all trades?”

“Hopefully I’d be a master at both.”

We laughed.

“You know, if you like the wine so much, you should take a bottle home with you in the morning.” I handed her a second bottle. This one was still sealed.

Olivia’s mouth dropped open. “Are you for real?”

“Yes. I have plenty more where that came from.”

“Thank you.”

I played with the ends of Olivia’s brown hair. “You know, this is the most you’ve told me about anything in your life so far.”

“I love my crazy mum and siblings.”

“I can tell.” I began to stroke her hair back off her shoulders. “It’s a great start.”

“You make it easy to talk with you. I suppose that’s your power, huh?”

I flashed a small smile. “I suppose so.”

“You’ll have me cracked in no time.” Fear flashed across her face.

I rested my hand on her shoulder. “Olivia.”

She shyly looked at me.

“You don’t need to be afraid of me. I don’t want anything more from you than what you’re willing to give.”

Mystifiedcame on as Olivia initiated a kiss. It was the first time she’d done so, and I wasn’t about to argue. She allowed the blanket to fall away from her as she straddled my lap, leaving her completely naked. “Thank you for giving me your patience,” she murmured.

I wrapped my arms around her small body and kissed her passionately. I knew I could very easily fall in love with this woman. I was pretty certain she would be worth the risk.