Chapter Seven
Friday rolled around before I knew it. Charlie sat on my bed rolling one of his toy cars around my pillow while I did my makeup in the bathroom. “Where are you going again, Mom?”
He sounded so sad and sulky. It was weird for him to see me getting dolled up and going out on the town, because I honestly had never done so since leaving his dad when Charlie was only six months old.
“I am going to something called a charity auction.”
Charlie scrunched up his face. “What’s a charity auction?”
I walked out of the bathroom and stroked his dark brown hair. “It’s where people buy items that are for sale, and the money goes to a charity like an animal shelter or a children’s cancer charity, or anything that helps raise money for a good cause.”
“You’re going to give money to a good cause?”
“Well maybe.”
“That’s nice of you, Mom.”
My heart swelled. How did I end up with this amazingly sweet little boy?
“Grab your stuff. I’ve got to drop you around to Lucy and Millie’s place again.”
Charlie pulled on his backpack. “I like Millie, but sometimes I don’t like Lucy. She can be too bossy.”
“I’m sorry to hear that, sweetie. If she’s bossy again tonight, I’ll speak to her mother about it.” I grabbed my gear and herded Charlie out to the car.
* * *
By the time I got Charlie settled at Rea’s and got to the venue for the auction, time was getting away from me and I felt like I was already chasing my tail. I spotted Emmett across the room and had the chance to openly check him out without his knowledge. What I noticed, as he talked to a couple of people, was his sincerity and kindness. He was confident, but humble. It made me realise thatSierra’s International Dating Agencypracticed what they preached and screened every applicant. So far, despite his job, Emmett hadn’t shown me any reason not to trust him. I honestly needed to lighten up.
I stopped at the entrance to the event and addressed the man at the door. “Hi, I’m here with Emmett . . . uh . . . Emmett . . .” It suddenly occurred to me that I didn’t know Emmett’s surname.
“Emmett Shepherd?”
I breathed a sigh of relief. “I believe so.”
“Are you his plus-one, ma’am?”
With a nod, the man let me pass. Emmett looked my way as I approached and smiled. I could tell he was checking me out as well.
“Hey there, Olivia.”
“Hi. Sorry I’m a bit late. It was tough trying to find a park.”
“I could’ve picked you up and saved you the trouble.”
“Oh, no, that’s okay. I—” I hesitated. Why was I still afraid to tell him I had a son? “I had to drop my son off at a friends’ place overnight.”
Emmett’s face reflected his shock. “You have a son?”
“Yep. He’s six.”
“What’s his name?”
I hesitated again.