“I’m enjoying a rare beach day.”
I nodded. “Mm-hmm.”
“But don’t you live near Venice Beach?”
I inwardly groaned. Would I have to go over this with everyone? “Yes, I do.”
I stared at him and he stared at me. I wondered if he was feeling this pull as much as I was. I wanted to throw myself at Emmett. It had been way too long since I had been interested in a man, and now I was lusting heavily after the first one who was possibly worthy of my attention. The events of yesterday and Friday evening were flooding my thoughts. It would be way too easy to abandon the barbeque lunch in favour of some other kind of delicacy.
Emmett quickly figured out I wasn’t offering up any more information about why I never went to the beach. “There’s not a day that I don’t run along the beach with my hyperactive dog. I love it. Are you not a fan?”
“Charlie isn’t a fan.”
“Who’s Charlie?”
Oh, shit. How easily the cat fell out of the bag. I didn’t want him to know anything about my son until I was certain I could completely trust him. I took a step backward as the dog came back with the stick and dropped it again. “I’m here having a barbeque lunch with some friends.” I waved in the general direction of the others. “It looks like they’re serving, I’d better get back.”
As I turned to go, Emmett caught my hand. I stopped and looked at him, but I didn’t pull my hand away. It burned like fire where he touched me.
“Olivia? I’m glad you’re having a nice day.”
I bit my bottom lip and nodded. “Thanks.”
He dropped my hand and I walked away, but not without glancing back over my shoulder at him. He flashed me a panty melting smile when I did.
I made my way back up to our little spot on the beach and wrapped myself in a towel.
Rea leapt on me. “Is that him? Is that the guy you went on a hot date with the other night?”
“And yesterday,” I mumbled as I nibbled on a piece of tomato.
“What? No way! Two dates in less than twenty-four hours? Honestly, who would blame you? He is hot!”
“Babe, I’m standing right here!” Matt exclaimed.
“I know, honey. You know I only love you.”
“Please hush. I haven’t talked about certain things yet.” I indicated Charlie.
Rea mouthed an ‘oh’ and quickly changed the topic.
“Meat’s done!” Matt announced, setting a bowl of steaks and burger patties on the table.
“Okay, come on, kids, time for lunch. Clean your hands.” Rea held out a bottle of hand sanitizer and squirted some into all three little pairs of hands. The kids rubbed it all over themselves, including Millie on her face.
I laughed.
“Oh, Millie, no sweety. Not on your face.” Rea grabbed a napkin and wiped the sanitiser off the little blonde’s cherubic cheeks. She was so adorable, it made me wish I could have another child. That was never bound to happen, though, given the circumstances.
I chatted at length with everyone while we ate the meat that was cooked to perfection and the salad that was crisp and fresh. It was a fantastic day, and it was exactly what Charlie and I needed.
By the time we reached home, Charlie was off in dreamland. I managed to wake him up long enough to wash the salt and sand from his little body, and we were both sound asleep by seven-thirty.