Page 68 of Strength

“Samantha has her own coffee shop in town. She does quite well for herself,” June said proudly. She handed a cookie to Charlie

“I want to buy a property to grow coffee beans. Then I’ll be able to have my café at the farm door instead of having to rent a place in town. I could sell local produce, Mom and Dad’s wines, and they could sell my coffee.” Samantha poured me the perfect coffee. “Anyone else?”

“Definitely!” Emmett exclaimed.

With our coffees in hand and Charlie munching happily on a cookie, we headed out to a patio that overlooked a beautiful green lawn and a huge swimming pool.

“Mom, a swimming pool!” Charlie exclaimed.

“Sit up and eat your cookie, please. We can check the pool out later.” I pulled one of the cushioned outdoor chairs out from the table and helped Charlie up.

“So, what do you do, Olivia? Besides being a mom to this darling little boy?” June asked.

“I’m in between jobs right now.”

As soon as the sentence tumbled out of my mouth, I saw the flashes of disapproval in their eyes.

Emmett came to my rescue. He wrapped an arm around my shoulders. “Olivia’s worked at the same supermarket for almost six years without a single day’s vacation. So, she’s on vacation now.”

“You haven’t had a vacation in six years?” Samantha exclaimed.

“This is my first one. I’ve been on a break for the last two weeks. I want to try to get into a nursing course, but Emmett insisted I should have a break for a while first.”

“Yeah, now I get to see my mom every day,” Charlie said.

“Single parenthood must be so tough. I’m lucky enough to have had my husband Brian by my side over the years. Well, when he wasn’t away for work, that is. I’m sorry you haven’t had that support.”

“Now she does.” Emmett kissed my forehead.

“Is that my son I see?” a deep, booming voice echoed out over the courtyard and a solid, handsome older man dressed in tan pants and a loose, buttoned jean shirt marched across the courtyard.

“Hi, Dad.” Emmett got to his feet and the older man took his floppy hat off before he embraced his son.

“It’s so good to see you, my boy.” Emmett’s father held his son at arm’s length. “You’re looking as strong and healthy as your old man.”

“I’m glad to hear that, Dad. Still working hard, I see.”

“Yeah, I bet you are, too,” Mr. Shepherd grumbled. “The vineyard doesn’t run itself, and I’m short a foreman.”

“Why’s that?” Emmett asked.

“His wife had a baby. He’s on paternity leave for five weeks.” Emmett’s father glanced at me, then back at his son again. “Won’t you introduce us?”

I quickly got to my feet.

“Of course. My apologies. Olivia, this is my father, Brian.”

“It’s a pleasure to meet you, sir.” I shook his large hand.

Brian looked over at my daydreaming son. “I see someone’s getting into my cookies.”

Charlie froze and widened his eyes like he was the fox caught eating the hens.

“How do they taste, son?”

“Good,” he said through a mouthful.

Brian smiled at Charlie. “Do you think I should try one?”