As the first shudders of orgasm started to roll through her she     felt him stop, come up to a standing position, rip off his boxer shorts and     press the steel rod of his erection hard against her stomach.

‘No, cara...’ Rafael’s voice was a deep sexy whisper.     ‘Not yet.’

Scooping her off her feet, he crossed the few steps to the     sofa, laying her down, ready to cover her body with his own. But, sliding     across, Lottie made room for him beside her, before quickly wriggling on top of     him. She wanted to do it her way this time. And as she looked down into     his eyes she could see that he had no intention of stopping her.

Pure, unadulterated desire flashed between them. An unstoppable     force.

Spreading her legs, she reached for his throbbing shaft,     holding it against the tight, warm wetness of her need. With a low moan she felt     Rafael shift beneath her and the tip of his penis enter her. She shivered     erotically. She needed him inside her now—the whole of him, not just the swell     of the tip but his entire length, thrust deep, deep inside her.

And that was what happened. With a gasp of pleasure she felt     him plunge into her, her muscles clenching round him, intense pleasure shooting     though her. Gripping on to her hips, his strong hands held her steady for a     second, but she was desperate to feel him even more deeply and, leaning back,     she ground her hips into his and started to move.

Matching her bucking thrusts with his own, he increased the     pace all the time, along with the total ecstasy, until she was totally lost in     it, only dimly aware of Rafael’s hoarsely whispered words.

‘Not yet, cara, keep it can do this...a     bit more, a bit more, a bit...’

Finally the words stopped as she fell down on top of him and     felt the violent orgasm rack through his body, taking her with it in an amazing,     overwhelming crescendo.


WHEN LOTTIE WOKE the next morning she was in Rafael’s bed with Rafael beside her, propped on one elbow, looking down at her with those beautiful brown eyes.


‘Good morning.’ She snuggled towards him, tipping her profile up, the little violet earring digging into the skin behind her ear.

Sweeping a twisted strand of fair hair away from her eyes, Rafael bent to place a light, almost polite kiss on her lips. ‘Did you sleep well’?

‘Mmm...very well, thank you.’

Raising her arms, she pulled him back down under the covers, curling her naked body against his. Spending the night in the same bed as him had felt so right. Especially after what they had done together last night.

‘How are you feeling this morning?’ Despite the innocent question she could feel the temptation in him.

‘Pregnant.’ The word was muffled against the warm skin of his neck. She felt him nudge against her, trying to move her position so that he could see her face, but she resisted, smiling to herself in her dark, sensuous, happy place.

‘Really?’ He adjusted his position so that his chin was now resting on the top of her head. ‘Do you actually feel any different?’

Different? The word was too bland to describe the total change of Lottie’s state of mind. After the tension of being imprisoned in the villa with Rafael, the hurt and anger of the past few days, the terrible gripping anxiety of the pregnancy test, she now felt free, relaxed, euphoric—as if suddenly everything was going to be all right. The massive weight she had been carrying around, even if she had largely refused to acknowledge it, had been lifted, and now she could float with happiness. And judging by the feel of Rafael beside her now, the completely different mood they shared this morning, it was exactly the same for him

‘No, not different in that way.’ She tipped her head up to answer his question. ‘I meant pregnant as in that was my first thought when I woke up.’ She smiled at him. ‘The realisation that it really is true.’

Rafael stared down at her, his deep brown eyes glowing softly. ‘I know. It’s amazing, isn’t it? Sorprendente. But we do have nine months to get used to the idea.’

‘Yes.’ Lottie returned his gaze, her own eyes dancing indigo blue. ‘Aren’t we lucky?’

‘Yes. We are.’ His hand slid under the covers and found her flat tummy, running over it in a gentle smoothing motion. She knew he was thinking about the baby, but her thoughts were turning in a very different direction.