Returning her gaze to the front, she realised Rafael was     looking at her.

‘Oi—keep your eyes on the water, you.’

‘I hardly think you are in a position to tell me how to drive     this boat.’ Grinning, Rafael faced forward again. ‘The poor thing is still     bearing the scars of your little outing. Very expensive scars too, I might     add.’

‘Yeah, sorry about that. I suppose I was going a bit     fast.’

‘Totally out of control, more like it. Allow me to show you how     it should be done.’ He pulled down the throttle to no more than a gentle hum and     the boat slowed down immediately. Rafael guided it perfectly alongside the     mooring pole.


Rafael shrugged his shoulders immodestly. Leaping out of the     boat, he secured it to the mooring pole and then held out a hand to Lottie.

This evening had been so perfect she realised she didn’t want     it to end. As they climbed the steps, walked along the terrace pathway and into     the villa, she felt as if she were in a fragile fairytale—one that might turn     into pumpkins and rats at any moment if she wasn’t careful.

Once inside, Rafe removed his coat from her shoulders.     ‘Drink?’

‘A cup of tea would be nice.’

‘It shall be yours.’

Lottie sat on the window seat, gazing out over the lake.         Pregnant. She could hardly believe it. And although she knew she     shouldn’t jinx it, something inside her—some inner sense—told her that this time     everything was going to be all right.

A rattling tray announced Rafael’s return, and after carefully     placing a cup of tea in front of Lottie he removed his own tumbler of whisky and     came and sat beside her on the sofa. Lottie realised he had something in his     other hand.

‘I bought you this.’ His voice was low, almost gruff, as he     opened his hand to reveal the ‘something’. It was a small blue velvet box.

Lottie looked from the box to Rafael, her eyes questioning.

‘Thank you.’ Surprised, she wasn’t sure what to say. ‘I’m     afraid I don’t have anything for you.’

Rafael frowned at her, puzzled. ‘Why would you?’

‘Well, I’m assuming this is a Valentine’s Day gift?’

‘Hardly!’ He all but snorted. ‘I just happened to see them and     thought you might like them.’ Handing her the closed box, he pulled back. ‘Think     of them as a token of my gratitude, if you like.’

‘Right...’ That had told her. Gratitude was as good as it was     going to get.

Opening the box revealed a pair of gold and enamel earrings     shaped like little violets, their perfect petals shaded to a deep purple in the     centre, where a small, gold nugget nestled.

‘They are beautiful!’ With one in each hand Lottie held them     before her.

‘I’m glad you like them. I thought the colour was pretty, that     they would go with your eyes...’ His voice trailed off.

‘I love them. Thank you.’

‘Are you going to try them on?’

‘Yes, of course.’ But he was too close, watching her too     intently, and in spite of fiddling with her earlobes Lottie couldn’t get them to     go in. ‘I need a mirror, really.’

‘Here—let me.’ Squatting before her, Rafael took the earrings     out of her hand and proceeded very delicately to fix first one, then the other     to her ears. Feeling his breath blowing sweetly against her cheeks, Lottie found     herself painfully holding in her own.

‘There.’ Job done, he sat back on his heels.

Touching her earlobes, Lottie looked into his face. ‘Thank     you.’

She leant forward, intending to give him a polite kiss on the     cheek, but he intercepted her, catching her face in his hands. Their eyes     clashed. Her heart thudded wildly.

For a second neither moved, each trying to gauge the other’s     reaction. Then Lottie, realising that she had no idea how to read the mind of     the man who crouched before her, gave up.

To hell with it. This was her night to do what she     wanted. And what she wanted more than anything else was Rafael. As she gazed     into his beautiful face she had never felt more sure of anything in her whole     life. The joy of knowing she was pregnant with his baby was almost overwhelming     her body with happiness and pride. But there was one more thing that could make     this day absolutely perfect. And it was right in front of her now.