She could stand alone. She had always had the power but had never realized it before. The power of choice. The power of saying what was necessary, instead of bowing her head and going along with what someone else wanted.

Arabella watched as Caroline shook out her curls from the pearl-studded web that her maid had arranged on her head. It was likeseeing a fairy creature, so elegant and so lovely, and yet she was also still her very best friend.

Even after everything, she loved her.

“I don’t have words to express how grateful I am that you came to Betsy’s rescue today,” Caroline said, perching a hip against the dressing table as she removed her earbobs and her bracelets. She shuddered. “Tonight was my worst nightmare, and you saved us. Thank you from the bottom of my heart. You were brave, strong, and simply wonderful. It means the world to me that when I needed you most, you were right there.”

“There was nowhere else I would rather be than by your side. We work well together, don’t we? All our lives, we have fit together like puzzle pieces.” Arabella sat on the edge of the bed and started to undo the laces of the dancing slippers that she had borrowed from Grace, and which pinched her feet. “I would do anything for your family.” She held her gaze for a moment. “Anything.”

They had always been comfortable like this, even before they had become intimate. The easiness between them could never be erased, no matter what happened.

“I would do anything for yours,” Caroline said. “I hate to think what might have happened if Mr. Taylor had his way.”

Arabella shook her head. “When we first opened the door, I thought he had expired. I thought we were going to be called upon to help dispose of the body.”

“I did too. I was so shocked, I didn’t know what was going on at first.”

“You raised Betsy well,” Arabella said. “She is brave and resourceful, and she learned so much of that from you.”

“From me?”

“Where else did your brothers and sisters learn their values? You have raised them as much as any parent. They love you.”

“I love them.” Caroline pushed away from the dresser and strode over to where Arabella sat on the bed. She took her hands in her own. “But what I should have told you a long time ago is that I loveyou, Bell. I am so sorry for how I acted and what I said when I told you to accept Mr. Worthington’s proposal. I wanted to make sure you had the best life possible. But I hurt you, and I am so sorry.”

Arabella felt a ray of sunshine where her heart should be. “I love you too, Caroline.”At last. The words tasted sweet on her lips, as if they had been coated with the sugar that enveloped her ginger comfits. It was wonderful to say it out loud.

Caroline’s smile dazzled her. “I am so happy to hear it.”

Arabella bit her lip. “It did hurt me when you tried to push me toward something that I told you I didn’t want. I didn’t want Mr. Worthington, or marriage to any man.”

Caroline sank to the bed beside her. “I am sorry that I didn’t listen to you. You should always be free to make your own choices. I should have supported you in what you wanted for yourself, instead of thinking I knew best.” She shook her head. “I have a lot of humility to learn. I thought it was the fortune that swelled my head and encouraged me to think too highly of myself, but after all the heartache I caused you and Betsy, I can see it was my own pride in my capabilities. I need to listen better. I want to be a better person—worthy of your love.”

“You are always worthy,” Arabella said. “I will always love you.” She took a deep breath. “But I need more than words.”


“I know we love each other. It’s the deepest, purest love that I could ever feel for another person. I’ve loved you since we were thirteen, you know. The year that you cut your hair and climbed the tallest tree in the orchard. You were a veritable hoyden, and I couldn’t help but love you.” She smiled at the memory.

“Then what more could we ask for?”

“I wish to be courted.”

* * *

“Courted?” Caroline tried to make sense of it. “Are we not past the courtship phase?”

Arabella sniffed. “Icourtedyou.”

“I thought we both had a hand in it.”

“You’re talking about seduction,” Arabella declared. “I meanwooing. Pursuing. Courting.”

She was puzzled. “Even though we are already in each other’s beds?”

Arabella nodded. “In fact, I shall not share any further intimacies with you until I have been thoroughly wooed, Caroline Reeve.”

“I don’t think that’s the usual way of things.”