‘So why didn’t you?’ His voice was soft.

‘Because my mother asked me not to. She made me promise never to tell anyone, ever. For some reason that was important to her.’

Staring into the depths of her eyes, Nikos suddenly saw the truth. Saw how much Kate had had to cope with. ‘Well, her secret it safe with me.’ He gently stroked her cheek. ‘Am I right in thinking her illness has affected you all your life?’

Kate nodded. ‘I’ve always felt I had to try and be the perfect daughter—balance out her mood swings, try and help her find a way through the dark times. I know she can be very difficult, even when she is relatively well. But she’s my mom and I love her.’

‘Of course you do. And I love you for loving her. But it might take me a bit longer to reach that point.’

Kate laughed. ‘Just loving me is enough.’

‘Then that’s a given. Always and for ever.’ He pressed his lips softly against hers but, feeling the dampness of tears against his skin, pulled back.

‘Don’t cry, agape mou.’

But the tears continued to fall silently, steadily rolling down her cheeks. Reaching out a finger, Nikos tried to brush them away, but her whole body was shaking now with the power of her emotion. Enfolding her in his arms Nikos held her close, absorbing the impact of the tremors, waiting for them to stop.

‘I’m sorry.’ Finally she pushed back enough to look at him, her eyes shining brightly. ‘For so long I’ve held back my feelings for you and...and now I’ve finally let go the floodgates seem to have opened.’

She sniffed loudly, then hiccupped and laughed. She bit down on her lip and smiled. And Nikos thought he had never seen a more beautiful sight in his life.

‘What made you finally decide to let go?’ He cupped her wet cheeks in his hands.

Kate swallowed hard. ‘I was at the airport and my flight was delayed, and the longer I waited the more I realised that I couldn’t leave.’

‘Then I thank God for that delayed flight.’

‘Yes.’ She smiled against his hands. ‘I realised I was walking away from the only thing in my life that mattered. So I phoned Charles Lewis and told him I wasn’t coming. I knew I had to explain to you how I felt, even though I was convinced you would throw it back in my face.’

‘Oh, Kate...’ Nikos felt his insides twist with remorse.

‘And I would have accepted that rejection.’ Her voice was grave. ‘I told myself that as long as I had made you see how much I love you, that was all that mattered.’

‘Which makes you so much more courageous than me.’ He took a breath. ‘Especially after I’ve treated you so badly, been so harsh to you, pushed you away. And all because I was terrified of my own feelings, I see that now. When I woke to find you gone this morning I wanted to run after you so badly—but even then my stupid pride wouldn’t let me.’ Regret clawed at his throat.

‘I figured I couldn’t be any more miserable than I was already, so what did I have to lose?’

The smile Kate gave him arrowed straight to his heart. ‘Darling, Kate.’ Nikos lowered his head. ‘Thank you for being the bravest, most beautiful, most perfect woman in the whole world. And most of all thank you for loving me.’

‘You are very welcome.’ She touched his lips with hers.

‘Would you do me the honour of spending the rest of your life with me?’

‘It would be my pleasure.’

Digging into the pocket of his trousers, Nikos retrieved the wedding ring and ceremoniously slid it back onto Kate’s finger.

For a moment they both stared at it, and then, taking her hands in his, Nikos linked their fingers together and lowered his mouth to meet hers. And as their lips met, and Kate’s eyelids fluttered closed, they both knew that this kiss was very special. Because it was the start of a lifetime of happiness together.



‘Two minutes, fifty-five seconds.’ Laughing, Kate put her phone showing the timer down on the floor beside her.

‘Can’t we just take a look now?’

‘No, we cannot. You’ve got to be patient.’ She held the test stick behind her back.