Kate swallowed down the familiar lump in her throat that appeared whenever she thought of her father.

‘And how’s Nikos?’ Kate heard Fiona lean into the phone, her voice suddenly conspiratorial.

Kate hesitated. ‘He’s fine. As far as I know.’

‘I’m so pleased everything worked out between you two. I only wish I could have been there for your wedding.’

‘Yes, Mom, you already said.’ Fiona had done a complete turnaround regarding Nikos’s suitability for marrying her daughter, which had been directly and shamelessly directed by the changes in fortune of the two of them. ‘Like I told you before, it was just us and a couple of witnesses.’

‘I know... I know.’ Fiona sighed theatrically. ‘But promise me you’ll arrange a meeting for the three of us soon—when I’m back in New York. I want to congratulate Nikos in person...welcome him to the family.’

Kate made a non-committal noise. She and Nikos would most likely have gone their separate ways by then, and even if they hadn’t it was highly unlikely that Nikos would want to see her mother. Fiona had treated Nikos appallingly when they had first met. Something that still made Kate cringe with embarrassment whenever she thought about it.

‘Where is Nikos now?’

Clearly picking up on Kate’s hesitation, Fiona honed in on it.

‘He’s in Athens.’

‘Oh, darling, that’s no way to start a marriage.’ Her mother’s voice turned all wistful and concerned. ‘You two should be together, making the most of this precious time.’

‘It’s called work, Mom.’ Kate clenched her teeth. ‘Something we all have to do to pay the bills.’

‘Yes, of course, darling. I know. I can be terribly selfish. I hope I’m not too much of a burden to you?’

‘You’re not a burden, Mom.’ Kate drew in a breath. You’re my mother and I love you. Getting you well is all that matters.’

‘Thank you, darling.’ There was a rustle on the line. ‘Why, look at the time! I’m going to be late for my massage. Speak soon, darling. Bye!’

‘Bye, Mom.’

Kate turned back to her computer. The business was doing well. Her mother seemed much improved. These were two big positives, directly related to her temporary marriage to Nikos.

She had done the right thing even if it didn’t feel like it.

It was over a month since she had last seen Nikos. A month that had seen a wall of silence, with no communication from him at all. But still Kate’s every thought was full of him. Still she woke every morning with his name on her lips, her heart racing from wild dreams of passion and panic and loss.

Still it felt as if she had an ice pick embedded in her heart.

* * *

Nikos curled his toes over the edge of the rock and after taking in a breath performed a perfect swallow dive, hitting the surface with smooth precision. The water felt like silk against his tense muscles and he started a fast crawl out to sea, where the horizon was beginning to turn to liquid gold.

Further and further out he swam, concentrating on the power of his strokes, the next intake of breath, the sense of being at one with the sea. It felt good, blotting everything out like this, focussing solely on putting as much distance between himself and the shore as he could, leaving his life behind him.

But the relief was only temporary. With his muscles starting to complain, his chest burning, Nikos finally slowed his pace and turned onto his back, surprised to see how far he had swum. Reluctantly he started to head back. Because there was no escape from his life.

These past few weeks he had tried—God knew he had tried—but nothing had worked. Nothing could rid him of the presence of Kate in his head—the torment, the temptation, the wild intensity of feelings that grabbed him by the throat and shook him till he rattled.

After leaving London he had flown to Athens, where his company headquarters were based. Seeking refuge in work again, he had driven himself harder, pushed himself further, intent on finding some sort of normality in the cut and thrust of a business deal or the quiet security of figures and spreadsheets.

But there was no normality to be had. No matter how much he tried to distract himself, everything came back to Kate.