Getting back into bed, he started to look at his messages. It was nine-thirty in the evening here in Italy, but different time zones meant there was always something happening somewhere in the world that needed his attention. The Nikoladis empire comprised a wide range of different businesses and enterprises, employing several thousand people. It was a big responsibility, and Nikos knew he had a reputation for being a hard task manager. But you didn’t succeed in business without being ruthless.

However, work held no interest for him tonight. This was all about enjoyment and making it last as long as he could. He didn’t know what tomorrow held, and for the moment he didn’t care.

However, one text message did catch his eye and he clicked to open it.

‘Anything interesting?’

The mattress moved as Kate got into bed beside him, sliding a hand to his thigh. She was wearing a hotel robe and smelled of lemon soap.

‘It’s from Sofia.’

‘Oh, right...’

Nikos heard the caution in Kate’s voice, as if talking about Sofia was off limits.

‘She says she’s going on a school trip to London and she’d like to meet up there.’

‘And will you?’

‘We will, yes. You and me.’

‘Nikos.’ Kate took her hand away. ‘Don’t you think this is a bit unfair on Sofia? Fooling her like this...pretending that we’re a happily married couple? I mean, the poor girl has been through enough, hasn’t she? Without us letting her down as well.’

‘I have no intention of letting her down. Quite the reverse. I am doing all this to protect her.’


‘Sofia knows the score, Kate. She knows that our marriage is simply a means to an end. That once the courts have granted me legal guardianship it will be dissolved.’


Nikos watched as Kate bit down on her lip. If he didn’t know better, he would have thought she looked hurt.

‘And what does Sofia think about that?’

‘She’s cool with it.’

Kate hesitated. ‘And what does she think about me?’

‘I don’t know.’ Nikos frowned. ‘I’ve never asked.’

‘But what reason did you give her for me agreeing to go along with all this?’

‘I told her you were doing it for the money.’

‘Nikos!’ Kate pulled away.

‘Well, it’s the truth, isn’t it?’

‘Well, yes, but...’

‘So what’s the problem? Sofia is smart and knowing and she’s very independent for her age. She’s had to be. I think you’ll like her. Oh, good—food.’

At the sound of the knock on the door, Nikos leapt out of bed again. Kate watched his retreating form—the way the shadows played across the muscles of his back, the tapered waist, the strong, firm length of his bare legs. So perfect.

He was back in no time, wheeling a trolley laden with domed silver dishes.

‘Where would madame like to take her evening meal?’ With a flourish, he draped a white linen napkin over his arm and picked up the lift-off tray.

Kate smiled, pushing away the feeling of unease that had started to creep over her. She mustn’t let herself spoil this precious evening with nagging doubt. She should be glad that Sofia had been told the truth—even if it did mean she would probably think Kate was a gold-digging little tramp. Perhaps she was...

‘Here on the bed, please.’ She held out her arms to take the tray from Nikos. He had made it look light as feather, but her arms almost buckled under the weight.

‘You okay with it?’

‘Sure.’ She settled it down on the bedcovers.

Meanwhile Nikos was opening a bottle of champagne, expertly filling two flutes. Handing one to Kate, he got into bed beside her and held his glass aloft.

‘To us.’

Kate clinked her glass against his. ‘Yes, to us.’ She took a sip, feeling the bubbles sliding down her throat. ‘Whatever us is.’

She hadn’t meant to say that. She knew the rules—why was she pretending that she didn’t? Why would she want to challenge the status quo and expose herself to the certainty of being hurt?

‘Us is we two, here and now, living for the moment.’ Nikos took a large swallow of champagne.