‘It doesn’t feel like anything.’ Kate felt her cheeks flush with the lie. ‘You flatter yourself if you think you still have the ability to upset me.’

‘Is that so?’

Cupping her jaw with one strong, warm hand, Nikos tilted her head until her startled gaze met his. She desperately battled against the pulse of arousal.

‘Then you might want to tell your face.’

‘I’m sorry?’

‘That pinched expression is getting tiresome.’

What? Hurt and outrage stole away Kate’s breath, along with the words she wanted to hurl at him.

But she had no chance to reply anyway. For Nikos had turned away, leaving Kate gaping at the broad width of his back as he strode towards a collection of paintings propped up against some railings. As he approached the artist—an elderly gentleman wearing a beret and a cotton jacket fastened with one high button—levered himself up from his stool and started a conversation.

Kate stayed where she was, silently seething. She saw the artist look over at her, say something to Nikos, then gesture for her to come closer. Reluctantly Kate did as she was told, keeping a frosty distance from Nikos, who was holding up a painting to inspect it more closely.

‘Enchanté, mademoiselle.’ With a theatrical flourish the artist took Kate’s hand and raised it to his dry lips. Letting her hand drop, he took hold of her chin, turning her profile first one way and then the other. ‘Magnifique.’ He muttered the word under his breath before addressing her again. ‘The perfect artist’s muse.’

‘Thank you—merci.’

Kate flinched with embarrassment. No stranger to compliments, she usually casually accepted them for what they were—throwaway comments or chat-up lines. But this elderly gentleman seemed to be looking right through her.

‘All the artists...they must be queuing up to paint you, oui?’ He continued to stare at her.

‘No—non.’ She gave an awkward laugh. All she had was a controlling fake husband who thought she had a pinched face.

‘Then I despair of the younger generation.’ He shook his head sadly. ‘If I were twenty years younger I would not let you walk away. But as it is...’ He paused, stroking his chin. ‘Perhaps you would allow me to do a drawing of you?’

‘Oh, I don’t think so...’

‘Go on, Kate.’ Nikos interrupted, a hint of amusement in his voice. ‘Why not?’

‘Ten minutes of your time—that’s all.’

The artist was already clipping a large sheet of paper to his easel and picking up his charcoals. Gesturing to Kate to sit in a folding chair opposite him, he studied her carefully for several long seconds, then rapidly began to sketch.

Nikos moved so that he was behind the artist, his eyes travelling from the portrait to Kate and back again, almost as if he was drawing her himself. Kate held herself very still, Nikos’s intense gaze was putting her in a sensual trance, making every inch of her feel tight, aware, as the sound of the charcoal squeaked across the paper. It was the most peculiar feeling.

‘Voilà.’ Unclipping the paper, the elderly man gave it a shake before turning it for Kate to see.

The trance broken, Kate looked at her image in astonishment. It was amazing, the way he had captured her so quickly and so accurately. Her guarded expression stared back at her, but there was also a faraway look in her eyes, a hint of the erotic way Nikos had made her feel as the sketch had been drawn. It was almost indecent—not to mention embarrassing. Kate had no idea she’d given away her feelings so blatantly. And if the artist had caught that look, then obviously so had Nikos.

She stole a nervous glance in his direction, but he was still standing in the shadows and she couldn’t read his expression. Oh, well, Kate reasoned as she peered at the portrait again, on the plus side, at least Nikos couldn’t accuse her of looking pinched.

‘How much do I owe you?’ Stepping forward, Nikos put his hand in his inside pocket, reaching for his wallet.

‘Rien. Nothing.’ The old man sprayed the portrait with fixative, then started to roll up it up, deftly tying it with string. ‘This is a gift.’

‘No, really—you must let me pay you.’ Ever the alpha male, Nikos had pulled out a wad of euros and was trying to hand them over, but he was waved away dismissively.