‘As my father’s only heir, I was expected to join the family firm. The idea was that I would start at the bottom, slowly learn all aspects of the business. But then Daddy died...’ she looked away again ‘...and suddenly I was in charge of the whole company. Well, me and Mom. Mom couldn’t cope with the pressure and I messed up—big-time. But I’m sure I don’t need to tell you that.’

‘No.’ Nikos agreed, and his gentle voice turned her back to face him. ‘There are plenty of sharks out there waiting for the chance to pounce on a vulnerable innocent.’

‘As I found out to my cost.’

‘Indeed.’ Nikos scuffed his foot against the ground. ‘But I always assumed taking control of Kandy Kate was what you wanted.’

‘Maybe at some point in the future. But not then. I never expected my father to die so soon...’ Her voice tailed off.

‘So your years of freedom were cut short?’

‘I’ve never had any freedom—not really.’ Kate met the dark gleam of his eyes. ‘Kandy Kate has always ruled my life.’

As her gentle confession fell softly between them Nikos’s intense stare made Kate catch her breath. For in that one fleeting moment it felt as if he was seeing the real her.

‘And more so now than ever?’ He lowered his head, deepening the level of intimacy.

‘Yes...’ The word came out on a soft breath. ‘More so now than ever.’

‘But it doesn’t have to be like that.’ Nikos shifted his position. ‘Once I have legal guardianship of Sofia you will have your freedom back. Kandy Kate will be back on its feet. You could sell it as a profitable business, invest the money—do whatever you want to do.’

‘I would never sell Kandy Kate.’

‘No? Well, that’s your choice.’ His voice suddenly hardened, the glitter in his eyes turning to chips of ice. ‘Why didn’t you tell me, Kate, right from the start, that you were heiress to a confectionery fortune?’

‘I told you about the business.’ The mood had changed in an instant.

‘But you deliberately played it down. I had no idea it was such a big deal until I got to New York.’

‘I didn’t think it was important.’

‘Don’t give me that,’ Nikos scoffed. ‘You consciously withheld the information.’

Kate touched her ear. ‘Maybe I didn’t tell you because I didn’t want it come between us—the fact that...’

‘Go on, Kate. The fact that what?’

‘Well, that I was from a wealthy background and you were...’

‘I was what? A penniless waiter? The son of a two-bit taverna owner?’

‘No...well, yes. I didn’t want the differences in our backgrounds to come between us.’

‘That worked out well.’ Sarcasm scored his voice. ‘So I was right.’ Nikos folded his arms across his chest. ‘The reason you didn’t want me to accompany you when you returned to New York was because you were ashamed of me.’

‘No! You’ve got it all wrong, Nikos.’

‘Really? Well, that’s what it felt like. When I asked you to marry me, I had no idea of the extreme wealth of your family. When I flew to New York to attend your father’s funeral I had no idea what I was walking in to. And that’s because you deliberately kept it from me, Kate.’

‘Well, if I did it was just because I was trying to hang on to what we had for as long as possible.’

‘You knew, Kate. Right from the start you knew we had no long-term future. Even when you accepted my marriage proposal. Even as I slipped the engagement ring on your finger.’

‘No! I didn’t! You’re twisting my words.’

‘Then how come that ring had miraculously vanished by the time I arrived in New York?’

‘You know why.’ Kate looked down at her feet. ‘When Daddy got ill, I didn’t want to risk upsetting him any further...’

‘Ah, yes. Thanks for that, Kate.’

‘And then he died. And then...’

‘Yeah.’ Nikos curled his lip. ‘I know—the rest is history.’ He pushed back his shoulders, looking down at her from his imposing height. ‘And now we’re in the present and I’m the one with the money and the power. How does that feel, Kate?’