Nikos’s ruthless voice cut through the heat of her memory.

‘Our lives are going to be inextricably linked for the next few months. So you had better get used to it. I need to generate publicity around our marriage to strengthen my custody application. The courts will want to see evidence of the two of us together to prove this is legitimate. Looking like we’re in love.’ He fixed her with a loaded stare. ‘I trust that won’t be a problem?’

Kate swallowed hard. No, it wasn’t a problem. It was living nightmare.

‘I will do whatever needs to be done.’ She forced herself to agree. To ignore the buzz in her head that was telling her to stop the car, to get out now, to run as far away from the dangerous man as was possible to do. ‘Within reason.’

‘Excellent.’ Nikos gave a brisk, satisfied nod. ‘And this will benefit you too. All good publicity for Kandy Kate.’

‘Kandy Kate is my affair.’ Kate struggled against his commanding authority. ‘I don’t need your advice on how to run my business.’

‘You sure about that?’ Nikos taunted. ‘Someone needs to do something. As a major investor, I would hate to see my money go straight down the pan. The first payment has already gone into your account, by the way.’ He tapped the phone in his pocket. ‘And the shares I own will be transferred back to you.’

‘Oh, thanks...’ Kate mumbled her graceless gratitude.

‘But it’s going to take more than just money to make Kandy Kate a success again. We need to radically alter the public’s perception of the business. Replace its tawdry image with something far more cheerful...wholesome. And what better start than a sunny photo of you on the steps of City Hall, having just married the man of your dreams?’

Kate shot him a furious glance. He was loving this. And what was all this we?

‘The man of my dreams?’ She knew she shouldn’t retaliate, that he was deliberately goading her, but she had to do something to try and wipe that smug look off his finely honed face. ‘I don’t think so, Nikos.’

‘No?’ Nikos gave her a sceptical glance. ‘I’ve already admitted that you’ve crept into my dreams in the small hours of the night. Are you telling me it hasn’t been the same for you?’

‘I’m admitting nothing.’

With heat scoring her cheeks, Kate turned away, realising that by not denying it she had as good as owned up to the truth. Of course he had filled her dreams, dominated her thoughts—both day and night, for that matter—for the last three whole years. And, judging by his supercilious expression, he knew that only too well.

She stared out of the window at the New York traffic, at people going about their everyday lives, rushing around, all so busy, completely oblivious to her miserable plight. To the fact that she had just sold her soul to the devil.

‘Anyway.’ Nikos pulled the conversation back into line. ‘Those shots will generate a buzz about the wedding in the press, and that’s good publicity for us both. This is the way it’s going to be from now on, Kate, so you had better get used to it.’

He had this all worked out, didn’t he? Kate could feel his eyes on her profile, his gaze prickling the outline of her ear, the skin on her neck. With a trembling lip she felt the irony of her situation hit home. Once again she’d found herself being manipulated in the name of Kandy Kate. Only this time it wasn’t her mother controlling her. This time it was Nikos Nikoladis. And that was a far more terrifying prospect.

‘Where are we going, anyway?’

Turning back to face him, Kate swallowed down her sorrow. There was no point regretting anything now. It was done. Besides, it was a genuine question. For the first time it occurred to her that she had no idea where this purring limo was taking them.

‘What do newlyweds usually do after they get married?’ Nikos gave her a roguish smile.

Kate’s heart rate spiked dramatically, panic strangling her vocal cords. ‘Wh...what do you mean?’

‘Relax, pethi mou.’ With a low laugh, Nikos took her hand from where it had flown to the base of her throat. Holding it in his own, he turned the circle of gold on her finger. ‘Not that. Unless you’re offering, of course. In which case it would be rude to turn you down.’