The whole thing felt like a dream to Kate—some sort of confused fantasy that she would wake from at any moment. But as they walked out into the fresh air, the sunlight flashing on the gold band on her finger, Kate knew this was no illusion. She was now legally married to Nikos Nikoladis, and somehow she was going to have to work out a way to deal with it.

Somehow, over the next few months, she had to find a way to protect herself from this man, from the brutal effect he had on her heart. From all that Nikos was and all that he had meant to her. If she didn’t she knew he had the power to crush her yet again. She was sure of it.

‘Hey, Kandy Kate!’

A paparazzi photographer appeared from nowhere, making Kate jump. This was all she needed. She hated the paps, having been at their mercy her entire life. Instinctively she turned towards Nikos for protection.

‘Hold it right there for me, baby—that’s it. Can you turn this way? Beautiful!’

Why wasn’t Nikos telling this guy where to go?

Kate looked up at him, her beseeching eyes making it obvious that she needed help—needed Nikos to tell this chancer to clear off. She’d tell him herself, but she was didn’t want to draw any more attention to herself than was absolutely necessary. People were already turning to stare. The Kandy Kate name was enough to stop them in their tracks, see them pulling out their cell phones.

But, to her horror, Nikos showed no sign of warning off the photographer—quite the reverse. Pulling her tightly by his side, he moved them so that the guy could get the most advantageous shot. With the camera shutter clicking away furiously, not to mention the small crowd that had gathered around them, taking pictures on their phones, they were causing quite a stir.

‘Nikos!’ With a panicky intake of breath, Kate hissed at him. ‘Do something.’

‘I am doing something.’ Bringing his arm up so that it wrapped around her shoulder, Nikos drew her even closer to him, giving her an affectionate squeeze. ‘I’m showing off my new bride. You’re the one who needs to do something—loosen up a bit. Make this look believable.’

‘Hey, Kate, over here!’

Another photographer had arrived, pounding up the steps and elbowing his way through the crowd, a battery of cameras bouncing against his chest.

‘Congratulations, guys!’ Holding a camera high, he adjusted the massive lens. ‘How about a nice big smile?’

‘Oh, I think we can do better than that.’

With no warning Nikos took Kate’s face in his hands and lowered his head, covering her mouth with his own in one smooth movement.

Kate gave a silent gasp, the touch of his lips momentarily paralysing her, until the heat from his mouth made sensation flood back, swelling her lips, heating them beneath his silky soft touch. For a second they stayed like that...joined, melded. Kate was unable to pull away, no matter how much she knew she should. It was all she could do to stop herself from deepening the kiss, from leaning into him and begging for more.

And all the time those camera shutters clicked noisily.

‘Much better, agape mou.’ Finally Nikos released her, his breath a soft caress against her cheek as he turned to whisper in her ear. ‘So much better. For a moment there you almost had me fooled.’

Kate pulled away, her heart thudding, shock stealing away the sharp retort his taunting comment deserved. Instead she found herself pressing her fingers to her lips as if to check that they were still intact. That they hadn’t somehow been flayed by the heat of Nikos’s kiss.

‘Okay, guys, if you will let us through...’

Taking charge at last, Nikos moved them through the crowd, one arm outstretched to allow Kate to descend the steps beside him, the other wrapped around her waist as he fended off congratulations and questions with pleasant thanks and nods of acknowledgment.

A sleek limousine had magically drawn up alongside the kerb. As the driver opened the door Kate hurried to get inside, her heart still hammering against her ribs. Nikos slid in beside her, and as the car door shut peace descended. Throwing the bouquet down between them, Kate drew in a furious breath.

‘Well, thanks for nothing!’ She turned on him as the car smoothly joined the flow of traffic. ‘After that little scene we’re going to be splashed all over the papers tomorrow.’