But now, with his dark eyes boring into her, studying her face with brooding concentration, it was clear that Nikos was indeed waiting for an answer, forcing Kate to accept that she really had heard right. Though technically, of course, it hadn’t even been a question—just a forceful statement of fact.

Well, he couldn’t make her to do anything. He had no power over her, no matter how much those hypnotic eyes and that arrogantly held posture said otherwise.

‘Married!’ She tried for a contemptuous laugh, but it came out more as a strangled cry. ‘Are you crazy?’

‘No, not crazy.’ His voice was perfectly calm. ‘Far from it.’

‘Then why would you suggest such a ludicrous idea?’ Hers was bordering on hysterical.

‘Because circumstances mean that I am currently in need of a wife, and I think you would be the ideal candidate.’

Kate gazed at him in stunned disbelief.

What circumstances? And why her? And why was her heart thumping so wildly it hurt?

‘Well, you can think again.’ She battled against the heady power of his stare. Against everything he had ever meant to her and everything he still did. ‘I have no idea why you think that I would even consider marrying you.’

‘Then let me enlighten you.’ Nikos raised his hand, selecting his little finger to emphasis his first point. ‘Your company is in such dire financial straits that you would do anything to save it. Something you demonstrated last night only too clearly.’ His top lip curled with distaste. ‘You have no other investors, nowhere else to turn, and without my help this is the end of the road for Kandy Kate. You are an intelligent woman and you know this is your last chance. Because if you don’t agree to my terms I will be taking over Kandy Kate anyway, and once it’s under my control who knows what I will do with it?’

With all his fingers pulled back, one by one, he looked at his raised hand, then back again to Kate.

‘Is that enough to be going on with?’

‘So this is blackmail?’ Kate’s voice faltered with horror. ‘If I don’t agree to marry you you will ruin my family business—is that what you’re saying?’

‘Your family business is already ruined, Kate. The sooner you wise up to that, the better. Any investor—myself included—would simply strip the company of any remaining assets, then sell out to one of the major corporations. Obviously they would ditch the name, close the factories, merge what’s left of the business with their own brands.’

‘No!’ She let out a yelp of anguish. ‘I won’t let that happen.’

‘I thought as much.’ Nikos fixed her with a steady gaze. ‘Then it looks as if I am your only option.’

Kate bit down hard on her lip. Everything about his harshly determined face—the firm line of his mouth, the dark glitter in his eyes—spelled out the fact that he meant what he said. Nikos Nikoladis had both the power to save Kandy Kate and to ruin it.

Pulling her gaze away, she drew in a much-needed breath. She looked around her at the tiny cluttered office, with its low ceiling and peeling paintwork. It felt as if her life had shrunk...closed in on her. As if she was in a tunnel with no sign of light at the end. And the tunnel was now blocked by the menacing presence of her ex-lover.

‘So what are these circumstances?’ Kate tried to get the fog of her mind to clear. ‘Why do you need a wife?’

It sounded even more stupid when she said it out loud. Even more archaic.

‘I will explain.’ Nikos glanced around her office in much the same way as she had. ‘But not here. This place depresses me.’

Welcome to my world.

It depressed Kate as well—not that she would admit it to him.

She watched as he strode towards the door, stepping back to usher her through.

‘Come on.’ He gestured impatiently. ‘I’ll find us somewhere that serves a decent cup of coffee.’

* * *

Nikos’s choice of venue was an old-fashioned Greek diner, tucked away up a nearby side street. Seating them in one of the booths, he ordered them both coffee without bothering to ask Kate what she wanted.

In the banquette seat opposite him, Kate had to wait for the waitress to bring their order before she could start her interrogation.