Page 58 of Sing it, Sam

I laugh to myself, and then wonder what Sam is up to. I’m guessing he’s snoozing, but is he? Whenever I take a nap late in the evening, not that it happens very often, I have trouble getting back to sleep. Is he just lying there staring at the ceiling? If he is, that’d really suck. Is it eerily quiet there at night? Do residents get up and roam the halls in the dark or do they stay in their rooms until sunrise?

If I had his number, I’d text him. Why don’t I have his number exactly? I’ve kissed him twice yet have failed in the fundamental step of asking him for it. And here I am thinking I can write romance.And date.

With that thought, I close down my computer and grab my phone. I send Ben a text.

Me: Hey Ben, just wondering if you could text me Sam’s number?

It doesn’t take long for my phone to ding with a message.

The Sheriff: Hey Jane :) He’s really shit at responding.

Okay …Is Ben weird about giving me Sam’s number? Is he worried I’ll disturb his sleep? I check my watch. Well, I guess it is after ten. I probably shouldn’t have texted Ben.Did I wake him?

Me: I promise not to text him at crazy hours LOL. Like now for example

A few minutes later, Ben sends me Sam’s number, followed by a message to sleep tight.

I wonder about Ben. He said he operates cranes, but he didn’t seem too thrilled about it. Is he stuck in a job he doesn’t love? Why? I do know that he seems to be doing everything he can to help his brother.

I would’ve loved to have had a brother, or a sister, for that matter. I had plenty of friends growing up but having a bond with a sibling is something I’ve always yearned for. Thank goodness for cousins. I just wish everybody in my family didn’t feel the need to leave town.

I send him a message back to return the kind gesture.

Me: You too, Sheriff :)