Page 183 of Sugarloaf Ridge Lies

“Has Penny seen these?”

“No, and I’d like to keep it that way for now.”

“Jesus, I don’t wanna say it, but you look so much like him, like both of them.”

I shrug. I have no problems looking like her, but I refuse to acknowledge him.

“Did Liv tell Jean about Skylah?”

“No, that’s the thing. It’s so random. After I told Liv about Daynah, she’d made some doodle of the owl and the moon on a pad in the kitchen. When her aunt came to visit, she happened to see it and started reminiscing about a friend who had a similar necklace. When we were out here for Dad’s birthday and Daynah walked in wearing the necklace, she put two and two together. Long story short, Liv did some digging of her own. She was convinced that now having her name, we could find her.”

“Did she find anything?”

“No, but she went to Len. Filed a missing persons’ report on both of them.”

Her hand rushes to her mouth. “Oh, lord. And?”

“Len came to see me. He’s buried the search for Nate and has made some enquiries on Skylah. I asked him to keep on the search for her.”

I pocket my phone in my jeans, take her hands in mine, and squeeze. “I know she could be long gone, but if I don’t try, now that we know her name, I’ll always have this niggle. With every sunset, no matter where I am I have to find the moon before I can sleep.” Ever since they gave me the letter she left with me on the steps of the bakery, wherever I am I search for the moon and wonder if she’s doing the same.

Bernie hugs me and holds on tight. “I know, honey.” She sighs and holds me at arms’ length.

I peck her cheek. “If we don’t find anything, there’s no need to tell Mum. I know the odds are slim.”

Her bosom rises and falls as she draws in and releases a deep breath. “With what you’ve told me, and what I know, I’m gonna have to pay Len a visit.”


“I haven’t told a soul this, but you know when I redid the entire flooring in the guest cottage a year back?”

I swallow hard. I was supposed to give Finn a hand with that job but bailed. I’d just moved onto the farm.


“I found something hidden at the back of the closet. A journal. It was Skylah’s.”