I put out a cold jug of water and some glasses, then open the pizza boxes.
Jerry devours a slice of margherita within a few large bites. By the speed at which he picks up his next piece, I’m convinced he skipped lunch. There’s no point saying anything though. Time would’ve got away on him. When I’m on maternity leave, I’ll make sure he takes better care of himself.I’ll take care of him.
“Daynah got back to me with a date for the baby shower. It’s Saturday fortnight.”
“That’s pretty soon,” he says around a mouthful.
“It’s just a casual afternoon tea, close friends and family. Neither of us want a fuss, so we’re keeping it simple. Daynah said Bernie’s been busting to do some baking.”
“Whatever you want, sugar.” He grabs a third slice and brings it to his mouth, halting before taking a bite. “What about Penny?”
I shake my head. I’ve already run this scenario through my head. Daynah and I have talked about it. “It won’t be a problem.” I’ll put our differences aside. It’s important for Daynah that she’s there. I don’t want things to be weird.
He places the pizza down on the cardboard. “She even looks at you sideways, and I’ll haul her outta there.”
I reach beneath the table and squeeze his knee. “For one, you won’t be there, it’s for the ladies. And two, I can handle it. Even though she hasn’t been the nicest, I don’t want to shut her out.”
“You’re a better person than I am. I s’pose hell will freeze over before she mutters an actual apology. I just can’t let it go.”
If only the olive branch she extended was genuine.Will she try again?
No. I refuse to waste another moment thinking about it.
“Daynah and I also talked about your nan and Aunt Aggie. We know it’s hard for them to leave, so we thought we could take what sweets are left to the nursing home afterwards.”
“As if they could love you anymore.”
Meeting Jerry’s grandmother and aunt a fortnight ago was truly special. Jerry was a bundle of nerves when we arrived. He was desperate for our first meeting to go smoothly. The strong bond between Jerry and Joan was evident, and despite having a difficult week, Aggie sat with us, smiling through tears as she held our hands.
“It’s the least we can do.”
Jerry kisses my forehead before stuffing his mouth with more cheesy goodness. He sculls down a tall glass of water and stands. “I’ll go finish the row and then come in.”
“Jerry,” I growl.
He shrugs and wipes his mouth with the back of his hand. “There’s still plenty of daylight.”
“You’re dead on your feet.”
He lifts one shoulder and drops it. “If I don’t do it, who will?”
I shouldn’t feel guilty, but I do. I want to help, so very much. “Can I at least keep you company?”
“Sure, but you can be pretty distracting.” He wiggles his dark brows.
“Good.” I smirk. “You might hurry up and bring that cute butt back inside.”
“Cute?” He scoffs. “Puppies are cute.”
I stand and slip my hands around his slim waist to grip the firm globes of his arse. “Fine. How ’bout fine A-grade piece of rump?”
Jerry slams his mouth to mine. “Better.”