Chapter Forty-Nine
The moment Jerry cameto the table, a red-faced Penny stormed in a moment later. There was no mistaking the tension in the air. Everybody was on edge.
After clearing the cake plates, Aunt Jean pulls me aside. “Listen, we’re going to get on the road. Jay’s hit his limit. He was pretty overwhelmed in there.”
It’s a wonder Jay coped as long as he did, especially with the noise. Jerry’s Aunt Bernie sure can talk. “Yeah. No worries, I’ll show you guys out.”
After saying their goodbyes, I walk my family outside. I ask Jay for permission to hug. He nods and allows me to wrap him up in my arms. “You’re welcome to visit anytime, you know. I’d love it if you guys came out for Christmas. Meet the baby?”
He looks down at my belly and shrugs when his eyes meet mine. He’s probably overwhelmed from the visit. I’m grateful he hasn’t outright refused my invitation.
“Giving birth is gonna hurt, isn’t it?” He worries at his lower lip.
Typical Jay. Brutally honest.
“I’d say so.”But I’ll be asking for all the drugs.
His shoulders sag. Is he worried about me?
“But I’ll be okay. I promise.”
“Hopefully it won’t cry.”
A soft laugh escapes me. He means well. He’s concerned about the noise the baby will make. I could go into it with him, explain that crying is an infant’s way of communicating. Before I get the chance, Jay is in the car, securing his seatbelt, his headphones on.
“I’d say the trip was a success.” Jean hugs me and sighs against my neck. “It was so lovely to see you. Let me know how your appointment with the midwife goes tomorrow.”
I have a glucose test to check for gestational diabetes. “I will.”
She leans back and rubs her hand over my bump. “And I can’t wait to meet you, little one.”
“Thanks so much for visiting. I’ve really missed you guys. I hope you can make it out for Christmas.”
Tears glisten in her blue-grey eyes as she places her hands on my shoulders. “Are you kidding me? As soon as I know that baby is coming, we’ll be on our way.”
“Thank you.” Having her here would mean the world. I’m going to be responsible for another person. I’m bound to have a million questions. There’s just one I need to ask now.
“Before you go, can I ask a favour?”
“Do you still have your old year books from high school?”
She bites on the inside of her cheek. “I should do. Maybe in storage? You know I don’t throw anything out. Why?”
“Do you think you could see what you could find out about your friend from school, Skylah?”
She tilts her head. “Why?”
“I can’t say right now, but do you think you could do that for me?”
“Now you have me curious. Sure. I’ll see what I can find.”
“And if anything comes up on the boyfriend as well?” My skin prickles all over. “Last names, where they might’ve grown up, anything really.”
I hope something comes up.
What I wouldn’t give to help Jerry find his real mum. The relationship with his adoptive mother seems toxic at best.