Page 140 of Sugarloaf Ridge Lies

The moment we enter the bedroom, it’s a race to shed our clothes.

Ragged breaths, trembling limbs, and whispered promises, Jerry worships my body, uttering words of love as we connect on another plane.

My vision spots as I come hard, my heart thumping wildly as Jerry finds his release.


After two orgasms Ican barely wrap a towel around my jelly-like body to dry it.

As if sensing this, Jerry steps in to assist, droplets from his wet hair, dripping down his toned chest. My eyes are drawn to the towel that sits low on his waist, his semi-hard cock tenting the fabric.

Jerry dries my shoulders and pokes my belly button. “Your innie’s gone, sugar.”

“Great. It’s officially inside out,” I whine. “Guess I made it to twenty-six weeks with it largely intact.”

Between the pregnancy insomnia, the temporary debilitation of leg cramps in the night, and the baby kicking, I’d hope to at least keep this part of my body intact.I’m sure that’ll be the least of my worries as the countdown continues.

If I get haemorrhoids... I will die. No question.

I slip on a stretchy long sleeve top and pair it with a long, peach and brown paisley skirt that just fits my hips.

Jerry slides his boxers up his strong legs, tucking himself in. He grabs his package through the material, knowing precisely what my eyes are locked on. “I mustn’t have given it to you good enough because you keep starin’ at it.”

Laughter bubbles up my throat. “No, no. You did. I just can’t get enough right now. Kinda wish we weren’t expecting visitors.” I wrap my arms around his neck and stand on my tippy-toes to kiss him. “Better?”

“Hmm,” he mumbles against my mouth. “Much.” Jerry kisses my forehead and puts on a black T-shirt and baggy grey sweats. When he reaches for his boots, I shake my head.Always working.

“Where are you going?”

He secures his shoes and rubs his hand over his chest. “I’ll go move the fertiliser into the back of the shed. Keep it undercover.”

“Don’t know how to sit still, do you?”

“Nope.” He winks and leaves, his heavy boots thumping along the hall until the back door squeaks open then shut.


As I finish cleaningup from lunch, a series of knocks sound on the door.

They’re here already?Aunt Jean must’ve burned along the highway.

I dry my hands and squeal to myself, unable to contain my excitement as I reach the entrance. My heart thumps harder, anticipating that first hug and the inevitable happy tears. It’s only been four months since Aunt Jean and I have seen each other, but it’s been a lot longer since I hugged Jayson.Last Christmas.As much as he dislikes being touched, he puts that aside for me. I know not to push.

The moment I open the screen door, my smile fades. Penny stands at the edge of the porch, chewing at her fingernail.

I push my wet hair back behind my ears and pray I look half put together. There’s nothing worse than a surprise visit, especially from your partner’s mother.

I hold the door open wide. “Penny, hi. Come on in.”

The muscles in her jaw tick. She nods and pauses briefly before stepping inside. I swear her eyes burn holes in the back of my head as she follows me to the kitchen. I pull out a chair from the small table and set about filling up the jug with water. “How are you?”

“Fine,” she grunts, ignoring my offer to sit.

I lean against the bench and find my hands over my belly, protectively. A shiver drives up my spine as she stares from across the room.

“Um, Jerry’s on his way to the drying shed.” I force a smile. “He shouldn’t be long.”

“I was looking for you. We need to talk.”