Page 111 of Sugarloaf Ridge Lies

Chapter Thirty-Five


The sun breaks throughthe curtains as a pair of warm arms pull me into a hard body.

“Mornin’,” Jerry rumbles against the back of my neck.

I wriggle onto my back and sit up against the padded bedhead. “Morning.” I rub my eyes and weave my hand through his shorter locks, admiring my handiwork. His strong jaw has already grown a shadow, which I can’t resist running my fingers over. “Back to reality, I suppose.”

Lust in his dark eyes, he tugs down the sheet to my waist. A flush of cool air pebbles my nipples. “Oh, sugar,” he says and clucks his tongue. “You know how to get my blood boilin’.”

Jerry gifts me with a chain of kisses down over my stomach until his hot breath teases at the apex of my thighs.

“I need to get ready for work,” I whine, my voice weak.

“Give me five minutes and I promise it’ll be the best kickstart to your day.”


The moment our eyesconnect in the kitchen, Nat grins and waddles toward me. She’s grown noticeably in the last fortnight.I have this to look forward to.

She wraps her arms around me. “Oh, girl. You are positively glowing.”

A raging blush pricks at my face. Those five minutes with Jerry this morning were everything, and more. As if I can keep the smile from my face? “Well, thanks.”

“I’m sorry again about the fire. How you doing?”


She tilts her head. “This glow isn’t just from the pregnancy, so how ’bout you fill me in.”

Heat rushes to my cheeks as flashbacks of orgasm after orgasm tickle at my mind. “There’s so much to catch you up on. Without getting into the details, Jerry and I are back together.”

“Girlfriend.” She laughs. “That’s great news, but don’t you dare think for a second you’re skimpin’ on the details.”

Even though we’re the only ones here, I shouldn’t talk about it at school. “After work.”

Nat fans her face. “Geez. I can’t wait to hear it. Must’ve curled your toes, then.”

I bite down on my lower lip to try and rein in my grin. “Curled? More like melted.”

Paula and Bethany walk into the lounge.

Paula throws back her head and laughs, her smile fading when our eyes connect. “You’re back,” she spits out, her venomous gaze shifting to my stomach.

Oh god. Here we go.

“Don’t let her get to you,” Nat whispers. “The rest of us have your back.”

She has no say in your life. She can make all the complaints she likes but she has no leg to stand on.

“Thanks. I’d better get going. Talk later?”

Nat winks. “I’m holding you to it.”

I straighten my spine and smile bright as I walk past Paula. “That’s right. I am back. And I mean business.”

Paula scoffs, and a sliver of a smile pulls at Bethany’s pink-painted lips.