Sounds interesting. “Okay.”

Waiting for Jerry to finish showering, I pace the hallway. He emerges, catching me mid pace, his chest bare, a towel tied low around his waist.Hot damn.

My mouth waters at the sight of him, all muscle and toned, his wet longish hair combed back.He looks tasty enough to eat...

He chuckles. “You don’t like suspense, do you?”

I cross my arms beneath my chest. “That obvious?”

Jerry’s gaze lowers, and he licks his lips. Then, as if something comes over him, he shakes his head and looks me dead in the eye. “Lemme get dressed and all will be revealed.”

I tap my foot impatiently in feign annoyance and head to the kitchen to heat up his dinner. When it’s warmed, I take it to the loungeroom where Jerry—wearing a faded black T-shirt and grey sweats—is adding a log to the dwindling fire.

I almost swallow my tongue before handing him the dish and a fork. “Here, you must be starving.”

We sit side by side on the couch.

“You’re incredible.” Jerry winks and swallows as his eyes shift to the food. “You know you don’t have to cook for me.” He rubs at the back of his neck. “Don’t feel obligated, ’kay?”

Oh sweet, Jerry.

“Because you put a roof over my head?”

He shrugs.

“You looked out for me, and I’m doing the same for you. Besides, it makes no sense for us to cook separate meals.”

“I guess. Just want you to know I ’ppreciate it. Thanks.”

“Anytime.”Anytime? What am I saying here? I’ll cook for him on the regular?I shake it off. I’m getting ahead of myself. “Now, eat.”

He shovels in the pasta, nodding in appreciation. I allow him time to finish most of it.

“Well?” I ask, unable to wait any longer.

Jerry finishes his mouthful and sets the bowl aside. He reaches inside his pocket and pulls something free. “It’s not in the best shape, but I found this.” He hands me a dirty white envelope that’s folded in half, and in half again.

When I unravel it and the contents are revealed, all the air vacates my lungs. “Jerry.” I hold the envelope to my chest. “Oh, my God.” I fan my face as it grows hot. I can’t believe it.This man...

“I can go back tomorrow—”

A sob erupts from my mouth, and I throw my arms around his shoulders, burying my face in the crook of his neck. Tears stream down my cheeks, the relief palpable. “I—” Sob. “I can’t believe you found my necklace.”

I’d resigned myself to never seeing it again. Holding it in my hands, after what Jerry must’ve gone through to find it, it means so much more.He truly cares.

As the heat of his body warms mine, suddenly aware of how close we are, I release him. “Thank you.”

He clears his throat. “I know how important it is to you. I had to try find it.”

Like a tidal wave, my emotions build up and crash, spilling out. “Her ashes...”

I bridge the gap between us once more, curling into his side.

“It’s gonna be okay,” he whispers in the shell of my ear.

Strong arms ground me as I let it all out—the pain, the loss, the memories. Slowly, those thoughts are replaced by hope that, with what lies ahead, I have someone beautiful in my corner who cares for me, irrespective of what’s happened in my past, and with the uncertainty of what the future holds.

If I didn’t know if before, I certainly do now. I know it to be true. This man would do anything for me. Trudge through ash and rubble in the hope of finding something so small because he understands how it means the absolute world to me.