Page 146 of Sugarloaf Ridge Lies

Chapter Forty-Six


“This rocking chairis stunning.” Aunt Jean glides her fingers over the newly oiled timber.

I smile as she admires the antique. “It was a present from Jerry. A family friend runsSweet Antiqueson the main street. He picked it up from there and worked on it.” Another thing that’s kept him busy. I’ll never complain about him sitting around, wasting time. The man always has something on the go.

She sits in the chair, moving it back and forth. “I can picture you rockin’ your babe to sleep in this.”

“Me too.” Out on the porch in the summer months for the breeze, and inside by the warmth of the fire in winter.

“And the cot, too. The intricate woodwork is like nothing I’ve seen.”

“It’s been in the family a while. Jerry refinished it.” I recall the chuckle that rumbled in his chest as he showed me the tiny bite marks on the railings, care of little Gracey. He couldn’t bear the thought of sanding them all back instead of leaving some as a reminder of the cot’s history.

“Sounds like things are going great guns with you two?” Jean tips her head and raises a brow.

I know what’s in the back of her mind. The drinking, the insecurities.Court.

“Yeah. We’re doing much better. Jerry’s turned a corner.” I couldn’t be prouder.

“Are you going to give me the down-low on his family?”

My shoulders drop with a sigh. After Penny’s visit earlier, how much should I say? I don’t want her to hold it against the woman. Aunt Jean protects her family and has trouble biting her tongue when it comes to matters of the heart.

“Okay, spill, girl.”

“For the most part, they’re supportive. Jerry’s brother Finn and his fiancé Daynah are expecting a baby around the same time, and Jerry’s dad is a sweetheart.”

“And the mother? Penny did you say her name is?”

My jaw clenches as I replay her words in my head:“He wasn’t good enough for you before”, “You have money... how do I know that’s true?”

Did she expect me to show her my bloody bank balance? Somehow prove my worth to her that way? Isn’t the fact that I love her son enough?

I can’t sugar coat it, nor will I lie to my aunt.

“Penny McAllister thinks I’m a gold digger.”

“What!” She bolts upright and grips at my elbow. “She said that?”

“Not in so many words. We had a little run-in earlier.”

“I hope you put her in her place?” She rubs her hands across her wrinkled brow.

“I handled it. Felt pretty shitty afterwards, but Jerry and I talked it out.”

She slides her hands down my upper arms, giving me a gentle squeeze. “Please just tell me one thing. Did he make excuses for her behaviour?”

I shake my head.He had my back.“The opposite. Apparently next time we meet, an apology should be coming my way.”

She slaps her jean-clad knee. “Well, praise the lord. That young buck of yours has got another tick in my book.”

I laugh at her young buck reference. “Yeah?”

“Your mum was bullied for years by her mother-in-law. I swear your father’s family was the root cause of Andi’s anxiety and depression. So nipping behaviour like that in the bud now should help foster a relationship of respect.”

My mother was depressed?I know she had hard times and was an introvert at heart, but depressed? My dad’s parents moved to Europe when I was a teenager, yet they still got to her?