“Well, you should. We’ll get by. I’ll find a way.”
Goddamn it, will he ever listen?
Were these old school ways drummed into him as a kid, or is this him not knowing how to be in a relationship, relying on someone else?
I step in and poke his chest with my index finger. “You wanna know something?”
He raises his dark brows in challenge. “What?”
“The money I used for this stuff was from my inheritance.”
His mouth drops open. “What?”
“It’s the first time I’ve dipped into it since—”
“No. I didn’t ask you to. You shouldn’t have done that for me.”
I grit my teeth.You damn stubborn mule. “I’ll tell you why I did and why I’ll do it again. Because for the first time since the Estate money was given to me, I realised how stubborn I was. I believed the money was tainted, which is why I hadn’t touched it. But it couldn’t be further from the truth. They would want me to be happy, to live life to the fullest. Use that money to get ahead in life. And I couldn’t stand by, knowing that we”—I grip the front of his dusty navy work shirt and bring his face closer to mine—“could be flourishing as well as the fields.”
“Liv,” he says as he breathes out.
I heave a sigh. “This isn’t just about you. It’s about us. Our family.”
Jerry scrapes his hand down his face. His shoulders drop. Dark circles hang beneath his eyes. He’s burning the candle at both ends. “Fuck.”
I hug him and melt into his arms. His hands fist the back of my dress. Tension ripples through his body. He’s strung tight.
“What’s up with you?” I murmur, leaning back to scan his face.
After a long moment, he finally speaks. “Lawyer rang before when you were outside. Need to prepare for court. It’s the week after next.”
How could this have slipped my mind? Is this why he bit my head off?
Goddamn you, Geoffrey Fucking Clayton.
I’ll have to pay another visit to the truck depot. If he refuses to drop the charges, my next stop will be the police station to do something I may regret.Lie. To the authorities no less. But it’s a necessary evil.
Some model teacher.
I sweep up Jerry’s hands and squeeze. “It’s gonna be okay, you need to stay positive.” I force a smile, but the daunted look in his eyes ensures it’s short-lived.
“Thinkin’ positively ain’t gonna make it disappear.”
“I know, but—”
He grunts. “I need a shower.”
I flatten my hands against his chest, halting him mid-step. “I’m coming with you.”
He shakes his head. “Babe—”
“Don’tbabeme, mister. If you’re having a shower, you’re taking me with you.”
The hint of a smile tugs at his mouth. “Yeah?”
“Yeah. Let’s put those magic hands of yours to work.”
Sweeping me off my feet as if I weigh next to nothing, Jerry carries me bridal style to the house.