Chapter Forty-Three
Mick follows us outonto the grand porch as we leave, then places his hand on Jerry’s shoulder. “Do you mind if I have a quick word with Liv?”
Jerry’s gaze darts between me and his father. “Um...”
“It’s fine, Jerry.” I get a good vibe from Mick; his grin was a mile wide when we shared the news. If he wants to chat, I won’t say no.
He shakes his father’s hand. “’Kay. Night Dad. I’ll wait in the car.” Jerry kisses my cheek and sets off towards his Ute.
Mick links his arm in mine and leads me down the steps. He hobbles, favouring one side as we walk along a garden path, tall solar lamp posts guiding our way. “I’m happy for you both, but I need to explain. About Penny.”
“It’s okay, I’m sure she’s in shock.”
“Jerry’s never been one for subtlety.” He sighs. “Listen, Penny is a proud woman, and if she’s anythin’, she’s protective. She’ll warm to you. Jerry’s had his ups and downs, but since he’s been on this earth, I’ve never seen him beam like he does when you’re around.”
Mick has definitely played a part in shaping Jerry’s soft side. The man is so sweet, thoughtful.
I stop short and turn to him. “He makes me really happy.”
“Listen, I know he’s not perfect, but he is loyal. He’ll doubt himself. He will stumble and he will fall. But he’ll pick himself back up. He’s done it his whole life.”
Tears blink down my face as I take in the wisdom in Mick’s eyes. It’s almost as if my grandfather is here, comforting me, guiding me in life.
“Oh, sugar. Don’t cry.”
A laugh bursts from my mouth. “Sorry. It’s just, you remind me of my pop.” I sniff. “He was such a big part of my life growing up. What I wouldn’t give to share this moment with him.” I smooth my hands over my stomach. “But I know he’s watching over me. Same as my nan, and my mum.”
His big hand grips my shoulder, his tired eyes searching mine. “Oh, sweet child. I’m so sorry. I had no idea.”
I swipe the tears from my face and push a smile to my lips. “I’m okay.”
He pulls a pressed handkerchief from his pocket and hands it to me. “I pray they rest easy knowin’ you have us, now.”
My heart squeezes tight at the kindness of this man. We barely know each other.
I dab my eyes with the soft cotton and grimace as my mascara stains the fabric. “Sorry.”
“Oh, no bother,” he says and waves a hand flippantly.
He places his hands on my shoulders again and squeezes gently. It has an instant calming effect. The wrinkles around his mouth deepen with a smile. “You are a blessin’.” He glances down to my stomach then back up to meet my eyes. “Don’t be mistaken, this child is a blessin’ too. Family takes all forms, but all that matters is love.” He jabs his thumb into his chest. “And this ‘ole man still has plenty to give.”
“Thank you, Mick. My heart feels set to burst knowing our child will have you to look up to, to learn from.”
He winks and hooks his arm through mine. “’Course.” He chuckles. “I’ve got my smarts about me. Despite what Penny might say.”
“I’m sure you do.”
The mention of her name has my skin turning to gooseflesh. She barely said a word with the news. Everyone else seemed overjoyed. Did she even congratulate us? Perhaps she said something to Jerry when I was in the bathroom, catching my breath after the excitement. Has he always had a strained relationship with her, or is it because of me?
“I’d better get going, Mick. Thanks for the chat. I appreciate it.”
Mick insists on walking me to the car even though it clearly pains him.
As I get into the Ute, Jerry slides his hand over my thigh. “You good?”
I nod. “Yeah.”
He presses a swift kiss to my lips and revs the engine. “Well, it’s all out in the open. Now we can focus on getting on with things.”
I only wish we had his entire family’s support.