I rev the Ute to life, wasting no time getting us out onto the highway. “Well, now you know.”
By the time we arrive at the outskirts of Sugarloaf Ridge, caffeine is firing through my veins. Thoughts of work, bills, and the taxman chip away at me, like the devil on my shoulder that’s always there.
My phone beeps with a text, so I wrangle it out of my pocket.
Daryl: Hey mate. I’ll be at the school within the hour if you can get me the car keys? Should be able to get it back to her before school’s out.
I show Liv the text.
“Oh. That’s wonderful.” She fishes through her handbag and takes out a bunch of keys with at least a dozen things hanging off it. Mini Rubik’s cube, minions, leather tassels, and a selection of other small animals.
“Quite the collection you have there.”
She smirks and places them in a vacant cupholder. “The kids like them. They’re not my personal taste.”
“Sure,” I tease in a sing-song voice.
“Tell Daryl I said thank you, and make sure he sends me the bill.”
“Told you yesterday, Liv, it’s covered.”
She shakes her head and chuckles. “I’m paying for the tyre.”
“Sure.” Daryl won’t have the heart to ask her to pay. I’ll fix him up so he’s not out of pocket.
“So, have you got much more work to do at the school?” Liv asks.
I shrug as heaviness settles in my gut. Now I’ve met Liv, I’m not so sure I want the job to end.Am I torturing myself?“Not really. Should be done by the end of the week.” That’s pushing it out an extra day than necessary.A day I should be focusing on the farm. I have to stop avoiding it.
I glimpse over as something flashes across her face. Disappointment? Does she want to see me again?
After pulling into the school carpark, I stop beside her car. “Back to the reality of work, hey.” I shut off the engine and turn to her. “Thanks for the brew.”
Her eyes crinkle at the sides as she smiles. “Anytime.”
She bites the inside of her cheek, her eyes focusing on my mouth.
“What?” I wipe at my lips. “Somethin’ on my face?”
“Nope.” She laughs. “I was just thinking that you could have had me, you know.”
I swallow hard. “Huh?”Had her?
“I was running in heels.”
My eyes widen as realisation dawns.And here I was thinking she meant something a lot more mischievous.
“You did get a head start.”
“Whatever helps you sleep at night. Anyway, thanks for the ride.”
And what a ride it’s been. Shy to start, almost in tears, and now she’s playful, giving me shit.I want more. More time, more conversation. More...
“Pleasure’s all mine.” The way she regards me, running her tongue over her lower lip, I’m not imagining the zap of something between us. It’s there, crackling, plain as day.
“Anytime. Guess I’d better do a few laps of the school oval. Be better prepared for next time.” The words that fall from my mouth surprise me. I want there to be a next time.