Momma blushed, lowering her eyes. “He’s finally forgiven me for not telling him about Allison.”

“I think he understands the position you were in. After all, a town like Cypress Bayou has a long memory.” We’d all been willing to give Momma the benefit of the doubt for keeping such a huge secret from us all these years, but the consequence of her decisions thirty-five years ago had left their mark. According to Nana, the entire experience had changed Momma.

And Daddy had held a bit of a grudge since he’d found out. They’d lived together still, but we weren’t quite sure if things were ever going to be the same between them.

“He was letting you stew is all.” Leah and I both knew this to be true, but Leah felt compelled to say it out loud.

“I guess I don’t blame him, but it’s good to get things back to normal. I just thought I would share with y’all.” Momma seemed a little giddy.

“Well, we’re happy for you and Daddy, Momma.” I weighed in because it was expected. And it was better for us all when Momma was happy with Daddy—especially for Daddy.

“I spoke to Allison today. She still sounds so weak. Shouldn’t she be better by now?” Momma shifted the subject. “I’m getting worried about her. She doesn’t communicate with us enough.”

Leah had expressed the same concerns about that, but I didn’t want this subject to get out of hand. “Maybe she isn’t comfortable enough with us yet.”

“She came looking forus, didn’t she?” Leah reminded the group.

I tried to balance things with a positive spin. “Let’s give her some time and space. She did put her mother’s house on the market in Illinois, so hopefully she’s still planning to move here once all her business is done there.”

“I think she’s got a boyfriend.” Momma said this as if it was a scandalous thing. It wasn’t, but it might explain some things.

“Maybe that’s why she isn’t in a hurry to get back here.” I tried out this logic on the group.

“We can invite her back for a visit. Maybe for Christmas Festival?” Nana suggested. Christmas Festival was a sight to behold here in Cypress Bayou. Folks came from neighboring states to see the lights and participate in the festivities. Food, music, and the gorgeous lights. So many lights.

“That’s too far away.” Momma frowned. “I know! I’ll get Bob to agree to renew our vows and invite her home for that. She’ll have to come.” As usual, Momma was diabolical.

“Momma, are you seriously cooking up a scheme to renew your wedding vows with Daddy just to get Allison to come back for a visit?” I had to jump in here.

Momma’s eyes lit up. “Don’t you see? It’s a perfect way for Bob and me to refresh our marriage and to bring Allison officially into the family. We can do it here at Mother’s house.” Momma locked on to Nana like a predator on prey. “What do you think, Mother?”

Nana, always a good sport, answered with her usual balance. “Darlin’, I’m fine with you using the house for renewing your vows with Bob. But make sure you’re doing it for the right reasons. And of course, we’d love to lay eyes on Allison again to make sure she’s all right.”

“I can’t wait to get home and tell Bob.”

“Do you think he’s going to be thrilled about a vow-renewal ceremony?” I asked because I knew my daddy, and I couldn’t think of anything he would want to do less.Making a public spectacle, he’d call it.

“Of course—he’ll do whatever I want.” Momma made a dismissive motion with her hand, much the same as she’d dismissed Daddy’s opinion throughout their marriage, which is partly why he’d taken his sweet time in moving back into the bedroom. Plus, Momma snored like a freight train. Diabolical.

By the time Leah and Momma had gone and I’d helped Nana clean the kitchen, it was after nine o’clock.

“So, what do you really think about Momma and Daddy renewing their vows?” I asked Nana as she turned off the lights and we moved into the sunroom off the kitchen. We each had a glass of wine.

Nana smiled slightly. “I think there’s nothing anybody can say to change your momma’s mind once she’s made it up. She’s a strong-willed woman.”

“I hope Daddy’s willing to go along. If not, he won’t be back in the bedroom for long.”

“Isn’t that the truth?” Nana raised her brows and took a sip of wine. “How’s your day looking tomorrow?”

“I need to get in touch with Sue and Jo. The sooner the better.”

Nana smiled. “I’ve missed those girls. Give them my best.”



The charges weredismissed by noon, as Tanner predicted. The prosecution had no case. He met Jake for lunch at The Pub on Washington Street for a quick pep talk. Today was the day he planned to tell Carson about his desertion. Tomorrow, he wouldn’t be back in the office. If there was anything to wrap up, he could do it from his new location. At least that was the plan.