We all shook hands and saw Lisa out the door.
I stepped out on to the sidewalk as she made her way toward a very nice late-model BMW 6-Series sedan and climbed in. Tanner had walked outside with me. “I like the idea that our first client is able to pay our fees without hesitation.” Even though this wasn’t the kind of work they’d likely be doing moving forward with the business.
“Yes. Having money coming in is definitely a good way to pay for all the things you’re going to need to get this place up and running.” I looked up then, remembering the new sign had been the thing that had brought Lisa here. “Sign looks great.” I pointed upward.
It was oval and hung from two chains. The letters were bold and simple:Tanner P. Carmichael, Attorney at Law. “Yes. It’s good to see. Makes some of the headache in doing this worth it.”
I nodded. “I can’t wait to dig into Lisa’s mother’s background. What an odd client request.” We walked back inside, and Tanner locked the door so not just anyone could enter off the street while they we were getting set up.
“I’ll get the security system installed ASAP. It’s got a doorbell with a camera where we can unlock the front door remotely to let in visitors.”
“I still like the old-fashioned bells,” I said.
“Noted. We can keep them.”
We went back inside the conference room and sat down. “So, tell me what you want me to do to get started on Lisa’s case.”
Tanner gave me an odd look. “Are you deferring to me?”
“You’re the boss.” I stated the obvious.
“Am I?” He didn’t appear angry. Maybe amused.
I frowned. “Of course. Why do you ask?”
“You seem to be one step ahead of me. I’m a little in awe of your precise planning, I must admit.” He sat back in his chair. “And very impressed.”
“I’m too direct, huh? Bossy?” These were things I’d been called in the past. I hated that Tanner might believe these were bad traits. Maybe hewaslike all the other men I’d known, which would be a real disappointment. It was true. I was a little direct, and maybe a little bossy, but I was also super excited about helping him. And maybe a little overwhelmed by him, thereby making me talk a little faster and behaving a bit like a Chihuahua.
“No. Not at all. I can’t think of a single thing you’ve suggested that isn’t a solid idea.”
“So, do we have a problem?” I was confused by the conversation, except maybe I wasn’t. Tanner was an alpha all the way. And I’d known alphas during my time in law school. Students who were alphas and professors who were as well. They liked to be in charge. I liked to be in charge too.
“No. We do not have a problem. Keep up the good work.” He held his hands up as if in surrender.
I liked to get cracking, as it were. I realized I was less experienced when it came to the law than Tanner, but my planning and perfectionism were my strengths, and I tried to keep myself from being too much.
“Okay. I won’t apologize for being organized and a perfectionist then. But you’ll need to let me know if I get on your nerves. I’ll work on things in my own space. I take direction well, but you’ve got to tell me what you want me to do.”
His eyebrows went up, but I could see that he wasn’t angry. “Deal. I’ve got no problem with your being decisive and working hard. You impress me but don’t intimidate me, Carly.”
I shrugged and nodded. “Good. I do intimidate some men.”
“I admire a woman who knows her mind and isn’t afraid to speak it. I’m glad you’re here with me. It makes this journey a hell of a lot smoother.”
“So, I’ll make my plan of action notes and get back to you on Lisa’s case, then?”
“Sounds good. I’m going to do a little digging on the grandmother.”
“Allison said shewould come for the vow renewal. Isn’t that exciting?”
I’d gotten home around six o’clock to find Momma there in the kitchen with Nana. Planning. “It’ll be great to see her again.” Yes, it would be nice to see my new sister again.
Nana slid a bowl of something that smelled heavenly in front of me. And a piece of crusty French bread. “I’m assuming you haven’t eaten yet.”
“No, I haven’t. Smells great.”