“How did it go with the DA?” I asked him, unable to control my impatience at finding out what had gone down.

Tanner nodded. “Good. We met at his camp on Lake Breaux to make sure we had privacy. The LBI is creating a task force because of the kidnapping charges they plan to level at Carson. Marie’s testimony, along with Dr. Miller’s, should be a slam dunk. Having that extra entity will ensure this investigation moves forward.”

My heart leapt in my chest. All my rage at the very idea that Carson might get away with his crimes against Marie, specifically, gave way to a fierce hope that he would be brought down in a hugely public and federal way.

Tanner motioned for everyone to sit. “Okay, let’s get started. Imogene, were you able to place the listening devices in Carson’s office?” Tanner had a list he was working from.

Imogene nodded. “He didn’t suspect a thing. But I can tell you he’s a basket case. I’ve never seen him like this before. He’s obviously not sleeping and looks like he’s lost twenty pounds in the last few days.”

“Good. That means he’s sweating it. It’s a tough thing when all your chickens fly home to roost at the same time. This is a long time coming for him. He likely thought this day would never happen. Such a fool.” Tanner made a face. One that showed only disgust for his father.

Tanner turned his attention to Lisa. “Lisa, this conversation with your parents is vital to finding out how involved Carson and Keller might have been in Justine’s disappearance. So, let’s come up with a ballpark list of questions that will lead your dad down the road without tipping him off immediately. It’s likely he’s already gotten word that we’re on to Carson and the judge for various other offenses. I’m guessing he’s politically connected in the state.AndI’m guessing he’s a little nervous about how all this investigating is going to affect him.”

Lisa nodded. “Carly and I decided it might be best to do a video call so I can see his expressions, and if my mom’s on the call, that will be even better.”

They discussed the ins and outs of how the conversation should go to get the most information before Lisa’s parents put the brakes on and clammed up.

We set up a voice recorder that would normally be used for recording depositions. Since Lisa was using her laptop, she chose the “record” option for the video conference call.

Lisa dialed her dad’s number with the video link instead of a regular phone call. His face came on screen. He was a large, blond man with a surprising amount of hair for someone his age. “Hey there, Lisa. What’s with the FaceTime? Haven’t heard from you in a little while, darlin’.”

“Hi, Daddy. I’m a little homesick and thought I’d call and talk to you and Momma.”

“Well, she’s around here someplace. I’m working from home right now, so you’ve caught us at a good time. Let me see if I can get your momma in here.” He stood and called out the doorway. “Viv! Lisa’s on the screen, here. Wants to talk to us, honey.”

A woman’s voice replied, “She is? Isn’t that a surprise. I’m coming.”

When Vivian Henry arrived on screen, I could see where Lisa got her sense of style. The woman was stunning for her age. “Hello, dear. Is everything all right? It’s not like you to call us out of the blue like this, and on video no less.” Viv smoothed her hair. Lisa had shared that her younger siblings FaceTimed their parents all the time, so it was something they were comfortable with.

“I wanted to let you know that I’ve found my grandmother, Marie Trichel. She’s my birth mother’s mom.”

Both of their faces registered an instant of shock. Viv more than Hayes. “Well, isn’t that a surprise?” Vivian Henry worked to sound enthusiastic.

“Is she in good health?” Hayes asked, a pleasant expression on his face.

“She’s okay. Only thing, is that we found her locked away in a mental facility against her will.Someonehad gained her medical and financial power of attorney and stolen everything from her.”

“Howawful, darling. I’m so glad you found her. Is she…all right?” Vivian tapped her head to indicate mentally. “Who would do such a thing?”

I watched the shift in Hayes Henry’s eyes as he listened and watched. I didn’t get the impression he knew exactly what was happening. “Was Miz Trichel able to tell you why someone had her locked away? And who it was who’d done this to her? Maybe I can help.” He was trying to get information when he should have been outraged and horrified.

“Yes, I know, Daddy. Marie had lots of information to share. She also said to tell you and Momma hello.” Lisa dropped that like an H bomb right on their heads.

“What?” Viv inhaled sharply in shock, pulling back with a hand to her chest.

Hayes’s eyes narrowed, but he didn’t flinch. “Lisa, what in the Sam Hill is going on here?”

Lisa sat up a little straighter in her seat and began. “Marie told me in a recorded conversation that has already gone to the DA that my birth mother, Justine Chaffin, was dating Arthur Keller and was friends with the two of you and Carson Carmichael and his wife at the time I was born and during the time she went missing. And that Carson and Arthur lied about their relationships when my grandmother went down to find out what happened to her and to me. Be careful what you say now, Daddy.” Lisa’s breath whooshed out of her after that diatribe of info.

Viv and Hayes shared a long stare before turning back to the camera. “It wasn’t like that, honey. Marie doesn’t know what happened at all.” Vivian appeared to lose her fight.

“We’re going to tell you what happened as far as we know because I realize that Carson and Arthur won’t. They’ll never admit to anything.” Hayes took off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I’m assuming you’re recording this conversation, yes?”

Lisa nodded, her lip quivering a little.

“Marie Trichel deserves to know what happened to her daughter after all these years. And we’re tired of carrying this secret around.” Hayes grabbed Vivian’s hand. “First let me say that we love you, Lisa. We have from the moment we laid eyes on you. What we did was to protect you, always. It’s probably not what normal people would have done, but it was as a quick response to events that got out of control.”

We all three in the room waited with bated breath. There was no other cliché that fit.