“Sorry about that. Maybe we can go to your place next time,” I said jokingly, but I wasn’t joking. I’d never felt this kind of desire before. Not with anyone. And I could see it getting out of hand.
“Carly, I really like you. I like that you’re stubborn and strong and have a soft heart.”
He liked me for all the things the others never had. “I like that you like those things about me. I like you because you’re a good man and you’re a great kisser.”
“I’ve been worried about ruining our professional relationship with a personal one, but you distract me enough that I think we need to figure this out.” Tanner was frowning.
“We won’t let it ruin our working together. Let’s make a deal now.”
He put his hands gently on both sides of my face. “Deal.” Then, he kissed me so gently, barely pressing his lips to mine, making me want to restart our make-out session.
Tanner stood and pulled me to my feet and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me close. “Soon. Just as soon as we have time.”
I could feel his heartbeat through his shirt. He was warm and solid and smelled so nice. I didn’t know I’d been lonely before now. “Soon sounds wonderful.”
As he drovehome, Tanner felt like he was back in high school. Well, maybe college, during the early days of falling for someone. When he and Kerry-Ann had met in undergrad, it had seemed perfect. Nothing stood in their way while they’d studied and planned an entire future based on the idea that all would go according to that plan. But then, she had an opportunity offered to her after their first year in law school that she couldn’t pass up.
On the one hand, he couldn’t blame her because it was everything she’d dreamed of for her career. But she’d left him behind without the possibility of even trying to stay together. It told him everything. Tanner could see the same kind of ambition and drive in Carly, but Carly had come back here to Cypress Bayou because this was where she wanted to live. At least, she hadn’t said anything to the contrary recently. And she was incredibly loyal to her family. But some of what he liked about her also made him a little nervous. What if she got a better offer someplace else? Would she pursue it? Would her independent spirit take her away just as Kerry-Ann’s had?
Tanner decided he couldn’t think like this. This was why he was still single—because he’d worked hard to protect his heart all these years. He’d spent so much time worried about getting hurt again, he’d not allowed anyone to pierce his tough shell. Somehow, Carly had gotten right past his defenses with no warning bells shouting at him. She’d completely flown under the radar because he hadn’t seen her as a threat, until she was. Now, it was too late.
Some women believed that men were less inclined to be hurt than women. He figured that was all in the perception of where one sat. And Tanner Carmichael was now a sitting duck.
I slept likethe dead and woke up at the crack of dawn. I’d been beyond exhausted last night and had no memory of laying my head on the pillow. I did remember everything up until I’d brushed my teeth and thrown on an oversized T-shirt. Nothing after that. But today was a new day and there was so much to be learned.
Nana was making bacon from the smell of things, and I was glad about it. Having Lisa here gave her somebody else to take care of and cook for. No matter how many times I tried to tell Nana that she didn’t have to do all the cooking, she couldn’t be convinced that good food wasn’t the cure for pretty much anything and everything ill in the world. She often told me that it might not cure anything, but a good meal would put us in the best mind to handle whatever came our way.
It was an inarguable point.
I showered and dressed for the day, keeping in mind that almost anything could and might happen, based on recent events. I even took a few minutes with the curling iron. Tanner might not notice, but it was a tiny nod to my vanity. I normally just dried my hair and put a little product in it to combat the Louisiana humidity.
My fresh awareness of Tanner’s opinion of my looks gave me a slightly nervy thrill. I’d had a few crushes through my high school and college years where I’d made an effort for guys to notice me. I never was any good at flirting because I’d been too impatient and too direct, which had not served me well when it came to subtle guy-and-girl romantic banter. In the South, the expectation remained for the guy to make the first move toward any kind of relationship.
Lisa emerged as I got downstairs and poured a mug of coffee. “Good morning. How did you sleep?” She appeared rested and well dressed, as usual, wearing a cute blue and white sleeveless printed dress paired with navy flats. She was comfort and elegance personified.
“I slept so well, thanks.”
“Here, have some coffee.” I moved away from the pot so she could help herself. Nana had set out fresh cream, sweeteners, and sugar beside the pot of coffee. There was bacon, eggs, and big cathead biscuits on the stove. But I didn’t see Nana anywhere.
“Good morning, dears.” Nana came through the back door off the kitchen as if we’d conjured her. “I do hope you both slept well. I picked a few blooms for you to take to Marie at the hospital.” Nana indeed held a lovely bouquet of fresh-cut flowers from her garden. There were a couple lilies and a few roses, along with a few other varieties of greenery.
“That was such a kind thing to do. And thank you for breakfast. It smells heavenly.”
“Well, dig in. Wouldn’t want it to get cold.” Nana rinsed off the flowers and began to arrange them into a bouquet as we served our plates. “There’s some fresh orange juice in the fridge.” She pointed.
“Your hair looks nice today.” Lisa commented on my lightly curled style.
“Thanks.” I touched my hair in a mildly self-conscious motion. I was secretly afraid Lisa could see right through my somewhat pathetic attempts to lure a man. But women always noticed the small things like curled hair when one didn’t normally curl hair.