“I’m glad to hear it, Doctor. We have court orders and an investigation started on the judge and attorney who helped you secure Marie’s guardianship. What we need to learn from you is her state of mind and to understand why she was mandated to Pine Hill.”

The man was visibly shaking. “Th-they’ll harm me. They’ll harm my family if I go against them. They said they would.”

Understanding washed over Tanner. He nodded at the doctor. Tanner couldn’t promise his safety—yet. “Okay. If we get proof of their guilt and protection for you family, will you testify against them?”Thembeing at least Judge Keller and the attorney.

Dr. Miller nodded. “If you can guarantee our safety.” He pulled off his glasses and pinched the bridge of his nose. “I will tell you that Miz Trichel shouldn’t be there—in Pine Hill. That’s all I’m gonna say. But that’s for your information. Don’t tell anyone I told you.” Then his eyes widened. “You’re recording this, aren’t you?”

“Don’t worry. This is need to know only.”

It was what they’d come to find out…mostly. Marie Trichel was alive, and she wasn’t insane or infirm. She didn’t belong at Pine Hill. She was being kept there against her will. And it was all on tape.

Next stop…the DA’s office.



“I hate thatwe had to upset him like that.” I couldn’t help but feel awful about it. The old doctor seemed to be truly terrified. Not that he hadn’t done wrong. He had. But it appeared he’d been placed in an impossible position.

“So, my grandmother is not only alive, but she’s mentally okay?” Lisa’s expression was one of wonder. “I honestly can’t believe it.”

We were driving toward Alan Litrell’s office. He had no idea we were on the way. With the likelihood of phone taps and such, no one could be trusted aside from our closest family at this point. Well, besides Momma. She could unintentionally blow it with a careless word. “Here’s hoping the DA is in his office.” Tanner’s jaw was set. He wasn’t jumping for joy just yet.

We pulled in and circled to the back of the lot, parking the black truck alongside the other larger black vehicles, like last time. “We have no idea who’s in the tank with Judge Keller, so let’s split up and take separate ways to Litrell’s office. I’ll take the stairs, and y’all grab the elevator. Look around before you head up.”

The office was on the third floor, so this bait and switch may or may not be necessary. It would help to see who noticed our coming and going and give us an idea who paid attention and took notice. We arrived about the same time as Tanner, who didn’t seem winded. Surely he’d sprinted up the stairs.

Nobody had seen us so far. Well, unless there was a camera in the elevator, which was a good possibility. The administrative assistant, Jeff, who we recognized from last time, nodded when he saw us and showed us back to the DA’s inner office immediately.

Alan Litrell put a finger to his lips and motioned for us to step out onto his small balcony that overlooked the city. He shut the door before speaking. “I can’t assume no one is listening, so sorry for the cloak and dagger. I’m assuming you’ve gotten some new information.”

“We paid Dr. Miller a visit, and we’ve got him recorded saying that he and his family have been threatened should he share any information about Marie Trichel’s guardian or how that came about. But he did tell us that she’s of sound mind and doesn’t belong in Pine Hill. Says he’ll testify if we can guarantee his safety and that of his family.” Tanner filled the DA in quickly.

Alan nodded. “Dr. Miller’s got to be willing to get out of town immediately for a few weeks to make sure he’s safe. We’ll help with that. The wheels won’t turn at a state level quickly enough to keep him out of harm’s way here in town. District judges get the benefit of the doubt…always.”

“What about the court order for Lisa to get legal custody of Marie until we can get her re-evaluated?” I asked.

“Now that I know from the doctor’s own lips that she’s mentally stable, I can do a temporary order. Problem is, we still don’t know who her guardian is.”

“Can we go to the hospital with a temporary order immediately and have her released to our care?” Lisa asked.

“Theoretically, yes. But it will help to have a physician there to assist with transport and to assess the patient’s condition. In case you get resistance from the facility, we’ll send some state police. They’re the only ones who would have jurisdiction to escort her back here on short notice. I’ll give a call to Rapides Parish and find out if we can get a couple deputies to meet you there.” The DA let them back inside. He pulled out an official-looking document from his desk drawer and signed it, and then called in his administrative assistant to notarize it. Clearly he’d been waiting on our next move. We’d sent in the paperwork from Lisa proving she was legally Marie’s granddaughter and applying for custody. For it to be truly legal, there had to be a hearing. But judges could do temporary orders in emergency situations.

“I’ve already had Judge Watkins sign it. He trusted we would get the go-ahead from the doctor. I’ll use the next two hours to fulfill my promise to handle what we discussed, while you round up whomever you need to do your part.” He used cryptic speech in case anyone might have bugged his office.

The DA and Tanner shook hands. “Thanks so much.”

“Best of luck. I can’t stand corrupt politicians.” He nodded toward Lisa, who had tears in her eyes. “So, let’s get busy.”

“Thank you, Mr. Litrell.”


We all tookthe stairs on the way down since there didn’t seem to be anybody lurking around the building. Once we got outside, Tanner pulled out his phone and called Jake.

“How’s your afternoon looking?” I couldn’t hear Jake’s reply, but it was probably along the lines of,Why? What do you need?Jake had a team of specialists who worked under him, and he could make himself available should the need arise.

“We’re doing a jailbreak in about two hours from now for Marie Trichel at Pine Hill. Do you have a psychiatrist on hand who might be able to help?”