“Imogene, I wish you’d come to me. I wouldn’t have let Carson do that to you and Hank. It’s illegal. That’s what Carson does to people, and I can make it stop when it’s called to my attention. He wields power to make folks do what he wants or needs. Do you want to file a suit against him?”
Imogene shook her head. “Lordy, no. I’m deathly afraid of the consequences of crossing him. But at least now I can leave his employ without worry of Hank’s losing his job.”
“I’m so sorry that happened, but if you change your mind, we can do it.”
“I can’t believe I’m free. Your leaving was the reason I needed to finally break out of there. I’ve got eyes and ears. I’ve seen and heard things, believe you me.”
“One of these days, Imogene, I might need to ask about some of those things.”
Imogene nodded. “Point the way to my new adventure. I’m not ready to retire yet.”
I texted Joand Sue in a group text.Hi there. I’m back in town and just took a job. I’ll fill you in on the details ASAP. Let’s get together!
I waited about thirty seconds before Sue answered:OMG! I can’t believe you’re back here in the Bayou. How did I not hear about this until now?
In about thirty more seconds Jo replied:I heard. I was waiting to see how long it would take before you contacted us…
I sighed. She was right. I’d put contacting them on the back burner during the transition. I’d thought about sending a text or calling so many times, but I hadn’t. Probably because I’d been such an absent friend over the past few years.
I responded:It took longer than it should, but I’ve missed you both and want to see you! How about tonight? Let’s grab a beer and some oysters at Mother’s
Sue replied:I’m in
Jo’s response was less enthusiastic:I can’t be there until a little after 7:00 when my shift ends
I responded:Great! See y’all around 7:00
I breathed a sigh of relief now that we had a plan, even though I could feel Jo’s reluctance. I knew she would take a little time to warm back up. Distance and time were tough to overcome. Jo was slow to trust after what she’d endured during her childhood. Unfortunately, I hadn’t taken the time out of my very busy life to compensate during law school. I should have tried harder and bore guilt for it.
I would make it up to them both. I would.
I shifted my thoughts to what Tanner was facing now. He was likely meeting with Carson at this moment, which caused me to stand up and pace the floor. I was wearing a path back and forth across Nana’s sunroom when I got the text from Tanner.
It’s done. Can you meet us at the new office?
Us? I replied:Yes. How did it go?
Tanner answered:He took it about like I expected. Imogene quit and is with me
Well, that was unexpected. Imogene was a nice lady, but I wondered what we were going to do with her. I figured that would be up to Tanner.
“Nana, I’m headed out,” I called in the general upstairs direction.
Nana appeared at the top of the staircase. “All right, darling. I haven’t decided on dinner yet. Let me know if you’ll be eating out.”
“Looks like I’m meeting up with Jo and Sue, but I’ll stop by here after work to change first, since that won’t be until around seven.” We were learning to live together as roommates. Nana liked to know if I’d be there for dinner.
“Be safe.”
I’d made some notes today while I’d waited between my pacing. Lists of things to do. I was excited to get started on this adventure with Tanner. But I had résumés out to a couple big, influential firms, and part of me was waiting to hear about a possible interview. But still, I was workingwith Tanner. I still couldn’t believe it. Every day. Most of the time, I didn’t equate him with my godlike crush. But occasionally when I saw him, my heart sped up, and my face flushed. I only hoped I could behave in a professional way without my random lapses coming to his attention.
That would be humiliating. I wondered if he knew about my crush. I’d tried to hide it, but the diary I’d kept didn’t lie. Leah had found it one time and had seen all the ways I’d written Tanner’s name intertwined with mine. And all thosehearts. My face flamed as I drove to the office. Leah never mentioned it again beyond my screaming and crying for her to give the book back to me. Her eyes had gone wide, and she’d grinned at me. She’d said, “Don’t you think Tanner’s a little old for you?”
I was hoping she’d forgotten that incident completely or dismissed it as a young girl’s momentary infatuation. It had felt so real for a very long time. But he’d gone off to college and then law school. I’d grown up and dated boys, and then gone off to college and dated more boys. But I’d never completely forgotten the intensity of that crush.