Landon wore a Vikings jersey over the football gear he’d used this season. Holden and Stetson had procured it from the club. Avery was a witch for the third time.
“You guys just start?” Liam asked.
Holden pointed down the street and the path we’d taken. “We started at her place and have only made it this far.”
“Want to combine forces?”
“Sounds great.” I didn’t have to ask Holden whether he wanted to. I liked Liam and Kennedy, Afton talked nonstop about Eli and Owen, and socializing would help take my mind off Henry.
Holden and Liam steered the kids to the other side of the street so the group could trick-or-treat together without hitting up houses we’d already been to.
Kennedy fell in step beside me. “I have an appointment with Dr. Abdallah soon to start my OB visits.”
I’d seen her on the schedule, but of course I couldn’t mention anything. It was new to me, knowing the patients that came to the clinic. “You’ll like her.”
“I was so glad to hear that she does prenatal care and I don’t have to run to Bismarck for every appointment. It makes it easier for Liam to come, too, with his shift work. And I’m really glad you’re her nurse.”
I smiled. Stetson might not talk to Liam, but it seemed the dislike of Krystal ran heavy through the Barrons. “If I have to put up with another doctor on the regular, I’m glad it’s her.”
Kennedy chuckled. “It’s going well, then? The move and the new job?”
My gaze landed on Holden’s broad back. Riley was hanging on to two of his fingers as she walked next to him, and my heart nearly burst. “Yes, I’d say it turned out better than I imagined when I planned the move.”
“I haven’t met your mom. She works at the seed co-op?”
I nodded. “She moved here after I was in college. My grandparents were from Stanton, so she’s known the area. Cheaper housing and a job with benefits.”
“Laney would know her, then. We should meet up with her sometime.”
“That’d be fun.” I succeeded at sounding casual when I really wanted to take out my phone and get her info and Laney’s info and set a date. I might have been a little friend deprived. “I don’t get out much.”
“I don’t either.” She stopped a few feet behind the guys as the kids ran to ring another doorbell under Avery’s supervision. “To be honest, I didn’t really have a close friend until a year ago. I was a sick kid, and my mom moved a lot. But then I met their cousin Derek in high school, and we were tied at the hip. Where he went, I went, and vice versa. Then he died, and I was so alone.”
Holden had told me the tragic story. “Except for Liam?”
She nodded. “He was the only person my age I really socialized with. Then I started going out with coworkers—Aspen being one. And I met Lyric. Then Laney barged into my life again.”
Our stories weren’t the same, but they were so similar. “I met my ex, Henry, in college, and we weren’t tied at the hip, but the kids kind of isolated us. Between our jobs and their activities, I was close to a few coworkers, but they’re in Bismarck with their own busy lives.” I shrugged. “Life just gets in the way.”
“Let’s do it, then. Next weekend?” She grinned. “The guys can babysit.”
“If you’ve already found a sitter, then absolutely.”
We laughed, and Holden glanced at me. The secret smile he gave me, the one that everyone could see but was just for me, warmed me better than any hat and gloves could.
My phone buzzed again, and I was wrenched into the real world. Maybe it was Mom telling me she ran out of the party pack of candy I’d bought for her to hand out.
I checked the message. Nope. Not Mom.
You’ll need to pick the kids up Sunday night at 7.
I shot back,Why can’t you drop them off?
I’ll be on call and Jenni has the night shift.
I rolled my eyes and resisted bartering with him. Fine.
I tucked my phone away and glowered at the sidewalk.