I gave myself to him and he took. He dominated. This was just us being us. I wasn’t some lonely, divorced mom, and he wasn’t some guy who routinely picked up women and moved on with someone different each time.
He plunged in and out of me. My arms shook. He laid kisses across my shoulders, and his scruff deliciously scraped my sensitive skin.
“So fucking good,” he murmured.
I was filled by him, surrounded by him, and when he lightly placed his finger back on my clit, I gave in to him.
I had no idea if he was close to release; I couldn’t hold back the climax.
“Holden!” I savored the freedom to shout during sex, to let the exploding ecstasy out somehow.
He continued to piston his hips behind me until his arm cinched tight and he buried his face into the nape of my neck. A few hard thrusts and he went rigid, his hot release filling me.
I was locked against him, absorbing his pleasure into my own. I felt every pulse, every tremor, until he sagged and rolled us both to the same side.
“Don’t get me wrong,” he rumbled behind me. “I liked what we did in the pickup, but this was pretty fucking fantastic.”
I giggled and cuddled into him. “I agree.”
His waning erection was pressed against my back. We’d probably have to clean up even though we’d just showered, but neither of us made a move to get out of bed.
He trailed a finger over my side. My head rested against his firm biceps. We lay together.
He flattened his hand on my hip. “Is it too early to invite you to stay tomorrow night?”
I smiled and hooked my hand through his. “I could lie and say I’ll think about it, but yes, I’d love to stay tomorrow too.” I twisted my head to look at him. “Besides, I heard you get more TV shows than I do.”
He laughed and hugged me closer. “First my bedding and now my streaming services? Is that the only way to your heart?” His smile faltered as if he worried he’d said something he shouldn’t have.
I squeezed his fingers. “It’s a good start, but you’ve got some other advantages.”
He nuzzled his nose into my neck and made me shiver. “Mm. I’ll have to work on those advantages the next couple of nights.”
I couldn’t wait.