I spun toward her. “You’re pregnant?”
I could barely breathe. Happiness turned to stark fear and back to happiness. Elation nearly made me float away, but a very real tether kept me on earth. I knew to expect the mixed emotions. I wasn’t prepared for how strong they each were.
She glanced at the house but kept her voice low. “I grabbed a test from the store. Looks like the decision was taken out of our hands.”
She blew out a breath, looking as stunned as I felt. “I think going back and forth between houses and the overnights—I must’ve gotten off schedule.” She peered at me. “Are you okay with this? It’s early yet, but—”
I picked her up and spun her around. She yelped, and her arms twined around my neck.
“I’m fucking terrified.” I circled us around until her ass hit the edge of the tailgate. I stood between her legs and put her hand on my chest. “You’re sure?”
“The tests are pretty accurate. And it explains…” She adjusted her shoulders. “Sore boobs. Tired. I thought it was just a doozy of athat time of the month. But that was supposed to happen a couple of weeks ago.” She shook her head. “Five kids. Whoa.”
We had talked to Avery, Landon, and Afton. We’d asked their opinions about Emery and me having a kid, but also told them that it might not happen. We weren’t taking anything for granted. Like the veteran siblings they were, they’d been thrilled, but also surprisingly chill about the possibility.
“Are you okay?” It would be like her to worry about me, to care more about my feelings than her own.
Her nod was slow. “I realized I was so hesitant because I’d done so much on my own. Henry was in school, or he was at work, or he was on call and needed the rest to be fresh for surgery. Being in the medical field, who was I to argue? And I hadn’t argued. I hadn’t demanded an equal partner. I had taken it all on myself. But when I saw that plus sign, I realized it wouldn’t be like that with you. You’re not like that. You’re going to be as involved in the baby’s life as you are with the kids. I mean, you’re already getting up with Riley when she’s sick in the middle of the night and we aren’t even married. You’re going to keep being a rock star of a dad, but no matter what, no matter what happens, we’ll get through it together.”
“I fucking love you.”
“It’s a good thing I love you too.”
I caught her mouth. The quickie make-out session turned heated, and I reluctantly drew back. “If we keep doing this, I’m going to have to park the pickup in the shop and reenact our first night together.”
She smoothed her hands across my shoulders. “We could do that anyway.”
I did a quick calculation. Avery was in charge of Riley. Landon had been taking at least an hour to unpack each box he brought inside. And Afton had disappeared around the back of the house to hunt down Tabby.
I closed the tailgate. “Hop in.”
She laughed, and I led my soon-to-be wife to the back seat.