“She broke up with me.”

He put his fork down and leaned forward on his elbows. “Cuz of the ex?”

I nodded and jerked my gaze out the window. Church would get out soon. The café and Rattler’s would be overrun with the lunch crowd. I had to make sure I was gone before then. If I wasn’t smiling and congenial, people would wonder. They’d talk. They’d ask questions. And I wasn’t in the mood for that shit.

“Was it also about the baby thing?” he asked quietly.

“More that she didn’t need more to worry about.”


“But fair.”

He arched a brow. “Is it? Yeah, she’s going through some shit, but she’s not giving you a chance to go through it with her. She’s acting like you’re just going to be baggage.”

He had a point, and if I thought too hard on it, I’d get angry. “What do you want me to do, Stetson? Turn into Mom and make it all about me?”

“No, it just sucks, man. It sucks. I’m sorry.” He stabbed his omelet. “Maybe your mom was right, anyway.”

I jolted. How could Stetson side with my mom? “What do you mean?”

“Do you want more kids?”

“That’s too deep of a topic for a simple answer, Stetson.”

He stopped with his forkful halfway to his mouth. “What about moving away if she has to move?”

I scowled out the window. “There’s a lot to consider.” But she hadn’t given me a chance.

“Guess it’s for the best, then.”

I aimed a glare at him. “Thanks a lot, jackass.”

He shoved his food into his mouth and chewed. When he swallowed, he said, “When Teagan broke up with you, you let yourself get swallowed up in the grief and then wouldn’t let anyone get close to you until Emery. I remember once when you got shit-faced you said you wished Teagan did more to get through to you. So, what are you going to do? Mope about Emery for nine more years or work harder to get through to her? Because she sure as hell doesn’t have time for your ego when she’s fighting for her kids.”

My throat grew thick. He was a jovial good guy to most people, but he wasn’t afraid to be blunt when it counted. “Harsh.”

He cut another hunk off his omelet, and melted cheese gushed out. “But fair?”

I switched to staring out the window again. Traffic was picking up. I should leave soon if I didn’t want to see people. “I don’t want to make it harder for her.”

“Then make it easier.”

He made it sound so simple, I could deck him.

“Just don’t ask me how,” he grumbled and hunched over his meal. “I got back together with Krystal.”

“What the fuck?”

“I know. I know.” His head hung. “I already know it’s a mistake. She left an overnight bag at my place, and her toothpaste and shampoo and shit is all over my bathroom.”

Sienna would’ve distracted him, but he probably placated Krystal so she’d leave Sienna alone. The playground games adults played. “What were you thinking?”

He gave me a warning glare, but I read the answer in his eyes. He’d been left to his own devices because I’d been wrapped up in Emery. He might be a grown man, but that didn’t stop him from being lonely. He’d made a mistake. It wouldn’t change that Krystal would go nuclear when he said he’d changed his mind and wanted to break up with her.

“No matter what I’m going through, I’m still here for you,” I told him.

“Thanks. I’ll clean up my own mess, but I might need a few beers when it’s over.”

“You got it.” I pushed away. I hated to leave him behind, but his words resonated.

Then make it easier.

Whether or not she wanted to have a future with me, I could still help her carve out one for herself. A future where she didn’t have to play games to be with her kids.