“So you trust me, then?”

I nodded. “I think I more than trust you.”

He tilted his head and softly asked, “What does that mean, Em?”

The way he said my name, I could sink into his voice and stay lost forever. The next words tumbled out. “I love you, Holden. And that terrifies me.”

“It scares me too.” He dipped his head to murmur, “Because I love you.”

I used a gloved hand to grip the front of his coat and drag him close enough for me to reach his lips. He didn’t resist. I was closed into his strong embrace, and he dominated the kiss. I let him. Just minutes before, I’d thought I had lost this—and him. But I was back in his arms. He’d accepted my apology, and I hadn’t realized how tense I’d been until I melted against him.

He pulled away way too soon. I was left blinking and wondering whether I’d imagined our talk.

“Did you get a call today from a lawyer?”

I blinked at the unexpected topic change. “Um…no. Wait. Maybe. I had a missed call, but I assumed it’s from Henry’s people.”

“What’s the area code?”

“I don’t know.”

“Can you check?”

He was so intent on the call, I pulled out my phone. His eagerness hinted that it was important. “Not North Dakota.” There was a voice mail. I pulled it up, dreading what I’d hear. Just because it wasn’t a local area code didn’t mean it wasn’t Henry’s legal team. If Holden wanted to rekindle what I’d almost destroyed, he was with me in this.

A deep male voice spoke. “This is Jack Rotham. My son recently visited my office to discuss your concerns. I’m still licensed to work in North Dakota and am willing to work with you.”

The message ended and I stared at Holden. Details clicked into place with my disbelief. He’d never said his dad’s name, but he’d mentioned his dad was a lawyer. “You went to see your dad?”

He dipped his head. “I went down last night and talked to him as soon as his office opened this morning.”

“Holden.” He’d said once he’d never talk to his dad again. He’d gone there for me? “Why?”

“Because he’s a lot like Henry, so who better to work with you? And he’s taking the case pro bono.”

Astonishment filled me. I’d gone from worrying about paying a lawyer and draining Mom’s retirement account to having a lawyer offer his services for free. “Why is he doing that?”

“Because I asked him to do it for you, not for me. I was willing to foot the bill, but I don’t think he wanted money he thought was tied to Mom in any way.” His grin was lopsided. “So I didn’t tell him it was leftover oil trust money that I have in savings.”

Not only did he talk to his dad, but he’d offered to help me financially? Fear had nearly made me give up on an amazing man. I put my hands on either side of his face. “I almost ruined something really special.”

“But you’re here.” He wrapped his arms around me.

“I’m here. The kids are really upset with me. They miss you.”

The corner of his mouth ticked up. “I can’t believe how much I miss them.”

“Want to come over? Mom put a lasagna in. We can talk to them about us over dinner.” Paralyzing insecurity roared back. “I-if you want.”

His gaze flicked to the door behind him. “Do we have a few minutes? I want a few moments with you when you don’t have to be quiet.”

Heat chased away the chill and pooled in my belly. I fisted my hands in his coat. “She said she wouldn’t wait for me.”

I let him sweep me inside, knowing this was the right move. It felt right in a way that letting him go hadn’t.

* * *
