“Find something funny, Archer?”

The laugh continued, acting as a vent for the mushroom cloud of regret, shame, and frustration. “Oh, yes, Norville. So damn funny.”

Mr. Truitt’s brows slammed down. “Care to enlighten me?”

“My wife was right.”

This time, he was the one who leaned forward. “Tell me, what was your little wife right about?”

“You.” I pushed my laptop across the desk. I checked the drawers. There was nothing in them but a pack of mints, paper clips, charging cords, staplers—shit I didn’t need. Except I popped a mint in and crunched it between my teeth.

“Your wife”—contempt dripped from him—“knows nothing about me. She’s not a part of this life.”

“Neither am I.” I had nothing personal in my office. Not even a picture. I had used the excuse that I could look in my phone when I wanted to see my wife’s beautiful face.

How had I deluded myself so thoroughly?

I rose, and he scrambled out of his chair. “Archer, this is a contract. We can negotiate.”

I pressed the fingers of one hand into the top of my desk and propped the other hand on my hip. “I want to work remotely, traveling to the office only when I need to meet with clients or make site visits.”

He blustered, a red flush creeping up his face. “Absolutely not.”

“Why not? Are you afraid my productivity would suffer and you couldn’t go to Bali while Wilson and I manage the office?”

“Archer, watch your damn tone.”

I bypassed him to march out of the office. A stunned Wilson watched us with wide eyes, standing back like he’d been about to enter, but had changed his mind and didn’t dare get close. Briony wandered out of her husband’s office, her expression just as stunned.

I spun around, putting my back to Wilson and his wife. “I looked up to you. That’s what I’m most ashamed of. I wanted to emulate you. I thought you were what a successful person should be. But all I was to you was a payday. You groomed me to make money so this office could be ticking while you slept with women who weren’t your wife and traveled the world. I was the fallback plan when you realized Wilson wasn’t as dedicated as you wanted him to be.”

Mr. Truitt spoke through clenched teeth. “There were a lot of kids I could’ve picked.”

“But I was the most gullible. I was the hick who didn’t know better. I was a kid desperate for a father figure, and you swooped in. You know what? I have a fucking father. He made a lot of mistakes, but he never used people. He never gave up, and I think maybe I should take notes. Because I’m done with you. I quit.”

“Where do you think you’re going to go?” My former boss’s voice shook. “Who do you think will hire you after I’m done telling them all what you’re like?”

“I’m going home to my wife. And every time I work with manure, I’m going to think of you and your bullshit.”

I spun and faced Wilson. Briony had gone to his side, her glossy red hair falling over one shoulder. The shock and concern in her gaze matched Wilson’s. This time I knew that concern wasn’t for me.

“You’ve been an okay friend,” I told Wilson. My gaze jumped between him and Briony. “But y’all can fuck right off over how you treated Delaney.”

A choked gasp yanked my attention beyond him. His shoulders had blocked out an additional witness.

The best apparition I could’ve ever seen. My wife stared at me, her blue eyes wide and full of disbelief. She’d dressed in a loose white shirt and pink shorts with lace on the hem. The platform sandals made her legs impossibly longer.

Despite her shock, she glanced at Briony, her expression rueful. “Did he enunciate enough for ya?”

Briony made a choked sound, but I ignored her. I was done with the Truitts. I charged in Delaney’s direction so fast, she took an involuntary step backward. I wrapped my arms around her and lifted, smashing my mouth onto hers.

She twined her arms around my neck, and I twirled us around.

I set her on the floor. “What are you doing here?”

“I’m making my move.” Her gaze lifted over my shoulder. “But I think I’m late.”

“Your timing is perfect.” I draped an arm over her shoulders, tucked her into my side, and guided her to the elevator. “All I need to do is put the condo up for sale and we can go home.”