
I bristled and chewed the inside of my cheek.Where was the steel I’d had when speaking to Mr.Gilding?But the principal wasn’t like a father to me, and he hadn’t been terrified like Bruce.“Laney took me to Dickinson.”

Liam cut a look at me.I couldn’t bring myself to face him.I hated lying, but I wasn’t telling Bruce about the weekend over the phone.


“Yes.Laney Granger.We’re friends.”I chanced a peek at Liam.His jaw was rigid as stone.

“Oh.”There was a moment of tense silence.I willed myself not to babble and dig myself further into the lie.“When are you getting home?”

“Actually, we’re on our way back.”

“Good.Yes, that’s good.Drive safe.”

I hung up and let out a long sigh.“Sorry.I felt like my sister when she told Mom she was at a friend’s house when she was at a concert.I didn’t want to tell him over the phone.”

“I understand.”There was a heaviness in his tone that hadn’t been there before when we talked about keeping us a secret from Bruce.

“Thanks for having my back on this.”

“It’s what I do.”His profile remained the same, but his tone carried a ring of resignation.I’d hurt his feelings.He’d been so careful with me.Had he been hiding how he really felt about not telling anyone about us?

The cows in the pastures didn’t deserve my glare, but they got it.Had I upset Liam?He understood.I knew he did.But the thought of hurting him, of letting him down, bothered me more than the idea of worrying Bruce.