My lips parted.Yes.I wanted to be noisy with him.It was the opening he must’ve wanted.His mouth was on me, his tongue inside me, and my ass was being lifted.

In his bed, in my house, there was always a sense that we could get caught.The big shop doors were open, but we were tucked in the back and surrounded by shadows.This was the privacy I craved.

He trailed kisses away from my mouth as he loosened the ties of my shorts with a finger.They dropped down my thighs to my feet.My underwear followed.As he worked, I tangled my hands through his, got his jeans open, and freed his granite-hard erection.I hadn’t worked out the logistics of how we were going to do this, but like always, Liam was ready for me.

He dropped to his knees, his erection pointing up.He steadied me as I stepped out of my shorts.I thought he’d rise, but he lifted my leg, opening me right in front of his face.

The exposure left me vulnerable, like it had that day on my kitchen floor.But I’d been on my back, staring at my kitchen ceiling while clinging to a table leg with one hand, the other buried in his hair.

There was no pretending to hide like this.He met my gaze as he kissed the top of my mound as if to prove that I had nothing to be self-conscious about, then kissed lower.When he licked out, the leg I was standing on trembled and I was aware of only where he touched me.To hell with what my stomach and thighs looked like.I gripped the counter as he licked through my seam and tackled my clit.

He toyed with me.The other times we’d been together, he’d been sensitive, like he’d measured my response and used his best judgment.This moment was for him, his joy, and I wanted him to have it.

So I clung to the counter, my legs vibrating when he increased the pressure, my body sagging when he backed off.A few cycles of that and there was no sagging.I was strung tight, the pressure mounting.

He put my other leg over his shoulder, his head buried between my thighs, supporting me completely.I was going to die from the erotic sight.Die of embarrassment.Die of need.Die of sheer ecstasy that flooded my veins and threatened to rupture my heart.

“Oh, God, Liam.I don’t think I can do this much longer.”I had to gasp out a few words at a time.He was relentless.

I hung my head back but couldn’t resist seeing the dirty picture we made.I wasn’t just drawn to the way he devoured me, but how he was doing it like he knew exactly what I could take and he was showing me.He was proving to me that I could do it.Like he always had, only with his body.With soul-destroying pleasure.

I’d never think I was strong enough to crack the counter, but it creaked when I hit my peak with a bang.Rapturous sensations burst from me, and I rode his face while my hands yanked at the edge of the workbench.Last week, I couldn’t open a jar of pickles, but right now all my muscles were clenched like I could tow a semi down the highway.

I hollered his name, my voice echoing off the walls.It probably carried out of the shop, but not far.I couldn’t tug his hair; I couldn’t roll away.I was at his mercy.Completely.

He pulled away, kissed my thigh, and helped me anchor my feet on the floor as I panted and attempted to catch my breath.

He rose, jerking his wallet out, and jamming a condom on in record time.

“How are we—”

He lifted me.His face was savage beauty, carved from harsh rock into something that almost hurt to look at.His hair hung over his forehead, shadowing his eyes.Primal.

Grabbing my hips, he lifted.I wrapped my legs around him, and his blunt head pushed into me.It felt so good but wasn’t nearly enough.I flexed and relaxed my thighs until I was seated completely on his erection and so full I wasn’t sure I could take all of him even though we’d done this before.

Again, he took what he needed.I tried to start a rhythm, but he was in control.He stood with his feet planted wide, and he supported me.It was the two of us in the middle of the floor, an island of ecstasy.His strength, his confidence that I could keep my legs secured around him.My strength and my confidence that this would work because he would make it so.

“Liam?”My breasts rubbed against his chest as he lifted and lowered me.

“Yeah,” he breathed against my mouth.

“This feels really good.”I should feel stupid for saying that, but I wanted him to know.I wanted him to know a lot more, but I wasn’t ready to go there yet.

“Fuck yeah, baby.”He grunted and ground me into him until my jaw dropped.“This is only the beginning.I have you to myself all damn night.”

All.Damn.Night.We had to make this happen more often.His breath puffed against my face.I meant to kiss him, but euphoria made me sloppy.I ended up licking along his lips onto his cheek.

He seemed to like how I lost control when he had all the power.

“Grab on to the counter.Keep your legs around me.”He tipped me back.I flailed, but my palms smacked smooth laminate and my fingers curled around it.I wasn’t worried about falling.Around Liam, I never had to worry.

Our new position gave him more room to swing his hips.He pounded into me; it was up to me how much I wanted the edge of the counter to jab me in the ass.He adjusted his hold until he secured me with one hand.With his other, he thumbed my clit.

I barked out a cry.Sensitive bordering on painful, it was exactly what I needed for a second orgasm.

“Liam, I’m—” A long moan left me as I escalated to the tip of my peak and catapulted over.

Our moans and grunts mingled as he continued to drive into me.I caught glimpses of his harsh expression, his sheer focus on coming, and it was fucking hot.

Heat flooded into me, around me, as he climaxed.

My arms were shaking.I pressed my back along the edge of the counter and leaned back, using my elbows to take hold.

Liam was barely done orgasming, but he helped set my feet on the ground.Considerate Liam was back, but I’d gotten to see him at his most raw.Vulnerable.When he wasn’t trying to be the best at whatever he did—the best grandson, the best father, the best lover.He got to be Liam with me, and I’d treasure that trust forever.