“We have very few requests—”

I looked at him like I justcouldn’t possiblyunderstand.“You don’t reject them all?”

He paused and stared at his pen, like he wanted to tap-tap away but didn’t want to show me that I’d unbalanced him.“There are outstanding cases, and you understand that I can’t discuss them with you.”He straightened as if a steel rod traveled up his spine.“As I’m sure you understand that I won’t be discussing Eli and Owen with you any further.I believe it’s only Liam and his grandma, Ginny Pewter, on their records.”

If we’d been having a face-off, he’d be considered a winner.To him, and to the rest of the town, I wasn’t anything more to Liam and his kids than a family friend.I wasn’t their teacher or a teacher at all in the school.Another reminder I wasn’t full-time staff.

The most I could do was watch and listen.And if I had to get a job outside the Coal Haven district—after this meeting it looked like I’d have to—I’d let Liam know everything he could do to check on his kids.It was all I could do.As just a friend.

I was keeping our relationship quiet to protect us, but for the first time, it felt like it might be hurting us.


The soundof a vehicle pulling up tore the boys’ attention away from the task of painting a spare piece of plywood.They’d wanted to help, but there wasn’t much they could do while I was welding.I had no use for the plywood other than to keep them occupied.

Was Kenny coming over early?I had to leave in a few days, and we’d decided to work in an overnight before I left.Her idea.One I gladly went along with after missing our planned sleepover on the Fourth.

I put my torch down and took my gloves off.The apron was next.I only had a couple of new singe holes in my shirt.The sweat-soaked garment stuck to my torso.I needed a shower but would have to greet the new arrival how I was.

I slapped my ball cap on.At the overhead doors of the shed, I noticed the boys standing on the edge of the driveway.They were eyeing a large pickup.

“Who’s that, Daddy?”Owen asked.

The pickup was as big as mine, but several years newer.Fully loaded luxury edition.There were people that drove nice pickups like this through town.They all had the last name Barron.

Cameron slid out.His mirrored sunglasses reflected my property; the finish of the lenses didn’t help it look better.Decent shop.Beat-up house.Lawn that needed mowing.I’d get to that tomorrow.The house was waiting until I was home for good.I had to deal with Cameron now.


Eli scrunched his face up.“Who’s William?”

Cameron’s brow scrunched.“Excuse me?”

I put myself between Cameron and Eli.I wouldn’t let this man’s bullshit affect more than one generation.“It’s me, kiddo.My full name.”

“What’s mine?”Eli asked.

“You don’t have a nickname.”

“Can mine be Tony Stark?”Owen asked.

I kept my tone neutral.“Why don’t you two go inside and watch a show?”

“Yeah!”Owen raced ahead of Eli.

Cameron watched them pass, his gaze less stern than when he looked at me.

“What do you want?”I held back my hostility, but my father wasn’t here for a congenial visit.He wasn’t going to say he was sorry for ignoring me my entire life.He wasn’t going to apologize for driving my mom away until she was gone for good.He wasn’t going to embrace my kids as his grandkids.

He took his shades off and held them loosely in his hands like he was pondering what to say.He knew what he was going to tell me.A guy like Cameron was always prepared—especially when it came to me.“Bruce is worried about Kennedy.”

I didn’t say anything, just folded my arms and waited for the inevitablestay away from someone you really care aboutlecture.Bruce had sicced Cameron on me after Derek and I had gotten the four-wheelers stuck in the watering holes the spring we were in seventh grade.

“Bruce told me that he appreciated how you were there for Kennedy.He said that she really needed the extra support.”The bands of the sunglasses flipped up, then folded.“The thing is, she’s doing fine now.”

“Then why is he worried?And why are you here speaking for him?”

“She’s still hurting.”